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I Ching Divination

How to divinate?

  • Formulate your question
  • Then "throw" coins one by one by pressing the "toss a coin" button.
  • You need to throw coins 18 times ( every 3 throws form one line) , to get six lines & finish a hexagram.




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Yi Jing, or the Book of Changes, isn't the only fortune-telling way. Horary astrology is considered to be one of the most accurate. Birth date and the time the question was asked are considered while analyzing the question. This has been one of the oldest techniques used by royal advisers & forecasters since ancient times.
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The I Ching, also known as the Classic of Changes, Book of Changes, Zhouyi and Yijing, is one of the oldest Chinese classic texts. The Book contains a divination system comparable to Western geomancy or the West African Ifa system; in Western cultures and modern East Asia, it is still widely used for this purpose. For the classical I Ching fortune-telling, you need to have at your disposal three coins (or even one!) and the very Book of Changes with the collection of hexagrams and interpretations. Sixty-four I Ching hexagrams must answer the questions. You need to think about the problem and toss coins several times. Coins suggest which hexagram to choose and which free I Ching divination reading chose to get an answer.

The I Ching system of divination is considered as one of the most accurate and detailed, as it describes the situation and options for its development. Of course, in 64 hexagrams, it is impossible to list all possible conditions that happen to people in our time. The Book of Changes' power lies in ancient Chinese writing that describes what happens to each of us. The knowledge of human nature in the ancient Chinese writers makes I Ching so popular - each time, the answer of the Book accurately or very closely describes your situation. The only precaution is you should not ask I Ching many questions in a row. In this case, the answers will start to fall chaotically.

On this site, you can make I Ching divination online. The session starts from the formulation in your mind of the question that occupies you at the given moment more than others. Then, one by one, you "cast" three coins: click the corresponding button with the interval in 2-3 seconds. You need to do this six times to have six lines and make a hexagram (i.e. you need to click the button 18 times in total). If you get "heads" two or three times in a row, a continuous line will appear. If you get "tails" two or three times in a row, a dashed line will appear. The lines are located one over another, starting from the bottom. After the hexagram is made, its interpretation appears.