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Selena Gomez is a multi-talented American actress, singer, and producer, born on July 22, 1992, in Grand Prairie, Texas. Her birth chart shows that she has a Cancer zodiac sign, which represents emotional sensitivity, nurturing, and family. As a Cancer, she is known for her strong connection to her loved ones and her ability to channel her emotions into her creative work.
We decided to dig deeper and examine her birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.
Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Selena's zodiac chart analysis.
Dear Selena, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.
July 22, 1992
Create your own free birth/natal chart
July 22, 1992 7:19 AM GMT-05:00
Grand Prairie, TX, USA
Planets |
Longitude |
Houses |
Sun |
Can 29 ° 55 ’ 38” |
Moon |
Ari 25 ° 08 ’ 19” |
Mercury | R |
Leo 17 ° 12 ’ 49” |
Venus |
Leo 10 ° 37 ’ 02” |
Mars |
Tau 27 ° 04 ’ 05” |
Jupiter |
Vir 13 ° 21 ’ 10” |
Saturn | R |
Aqu 16 ° 18 ’ 04” |
Uranus | R |
Cap 15 ° 27 ’ 06” |
Neptune | R |
Cap 17 ° 13 ’ 32” |
Pluto | R |
Sco 20 ° 10 ’ 05” |
Chiron |
Leo 11 ° 34 ’ 39” |
Lilith |
Aqu 20 ° 20 ’ 27” |
North Lunar Node |
Cap 00 ° 16 ’ 08” |
South Lunar Node |
Can 00 ° 16 ’ 08” |
Part of Fortune |
Tau 03 ° 16 ’ 02” |
Vertex |
Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” |
Ascendant |
Leo 08 ° 03 ’ 22” | ||
The Midheaven |
Tau 00 ° 21 ’ 11” |
Table of Aspects | |||||||||||||||||
Easy factors | Hard factors | |
R - Retrograde |
You are flawless in marriage (if there are no contradicting indications in the horoscope). You love children but you are too sacrificial. You tend to devote a lot of time and energy to family members and those who are unlucky in life. You have a poetic and imaginative outlook, and are a little shy, but you know how to adapt to any environment.Weaknesses
You show excessive caution, shyness, impulsiveness, and are overly emotional and inconsistent in your actions. You may feel dependent on your parents or someone senior in age, experience, or job position.Create your own free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart/natal chart аnd astrology report
Birth chart analysis can show: