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Mac Miller was an American rapper and producer known for his introspective lyrics and diverse musical style. Born on January 19, 1992, his birth chart revealed a sun in Capricorn and a moon in Cancer, reflecting his ambitious and hardworking nature combined with his emotional sensitivity. Astrology and zodiac played an important role in Miller's life and creative process, influencing his artistic choices and personal growth. Despite his tragic passing in 2018, Mac Miller's legacy continues to inspire and resonate with fans around the world.
We decided to dig deeper and examine his birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.
Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Mac's zodiac chart analysis.
January 19, 1992
Create your own free birth/natal chart
January 19, 1992 8:46 AM GMT-05:00
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Planets |
Longitude |
Houses |
Sun |
Cap 28 ° 44 ’ 15” |
Moon |
Can 24 ° 09 ’ 39” |
Mercury |
Cap 13 ° 52 ’ 56” |
Venus |
Sag 22 ° 59 ’ 32” |
Mars |
Cap 07 ° 34 ’ 23” |
Jupiter | R |
Vir 14 ° 00 ’ 22” |
Saturn |
Aqu 08 ° 00 ’ 13” |
Uranus |
Cap 14 ° 47 ’ 01” |
Neptune |
Cap 16 ° 55 ’ 05” |
Pluto |
Sco 22 ° 34 ’ 02” |
Chiron | R |
Leo 07 ° 04 ’ 22” |
Lilith |
Cap 29 ° 46 ’ 24” |
North Lunar Node |
Cap 09 ° 49 ’ 06” |
South Lunar Node |
Can 09 ° 49 ’ 06” |
Part of Fortune |
Leo 14 ° 29 ’ 50” |
Vertex |
Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” |
Ascendant |
Aqu 19 ° 04 ’ 26” | ||
The Midheaven |
Sag 06 ° 33 ’ 58” |
Table of Aspects | |||||||||||||||||
Easy factors | Hard factors | |
R - Retrograde |
Perseverance, loyalty, compliance with agreements, diligence, prudence, a great supply of energy, stability, and determination.Weaknesses
You show introversion and secrecy even with loved ones, pessimism such as “hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst”, the inability to forgive, directness, dogmatism, scepticism, excessive conservatism, and seriousness.Create your own free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart/natal chart аnd astrology report
Birth chart analysis can show: