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jennifer lopez birth chart analysis

Photo by Amy Sussman on Getty Images

Jennifer Lopez Birth Chart 

Jennifer Lopez, also known as J.Lo, is a multi-talented American actress, singer, dancer, and producer. Born on July 24, 1969, under the zodiac sign of Leo, she has a natural ability to entertain and shine in the spotlight. Her birth chart reveals that she strongly emphasizes the element of fire, which explains her confidence, passion, and creativity.

We decided to dig deeper and examine her birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.

Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Jennifer's zodiac chart analysis.

Dear Jennifer, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.

What year was the celebrity born?

July 24, 1969

What zodiac sign is the celebrity?


What rising sign (Ascendant) is the celebrity?


What moon sign is the celebrity?


Create your own free birth/natal chart

Birth chart:

Aspects table and planetary positions




icon Sun icon Leo 01 ° 18 ’ 49” icon
icon Moon icon Sco 25 ° 38 ’ 27” icon
icon Mercury icon Leo 03 ° 23 ’ 18” icon
icon Venus icon Gem 18 ° 58 ’ 41” icon
icon Mars icon Sag 03 ° 26 ’ 53” icon
icon Jupiter icon Lib 01 ° 16 ’ 42” icon
icon Saturn icon Tau 08 ° 16 ’ 35” icon
icon Uranus icon Lib 00 ° 49 ’ 28” icon
icon Neptune R icon Sco 25 ° 59 ’ 35” icon
icon Pluto icon Vir 23 ° 05 ’ 42” icon
icon Chiron R icon Ari 06 ° 47 ’ 17” icon
icon Lilith icon Can 14 ° 50 ’ 10” icon
icon North Lunar Node R icon Pis 22 ° 26 ’ 23” icon
icon South Lunar Node R icon Vir 22 ° 26 ’ 23” icon
icon Part of Fortune icon Ari 06 ° 37 ’ 57” icon
icon Vertex icon Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” icon
icon Ascendant icon Leo 00 ° 57 ’ 36”
icon The Midheaven icon Ari 16 ° 15 ’ 25”
Table of Aspects
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Easy factors Hard factors
icon - Trine 120° icon - Square 90° icon - Conjunction 0°
icon - Quincunx 150° icon - Opposition 180° R - Retrograde
icon - Sextile 60°

Sun in Leo 1st Decan

You are a creative, passionate, and active person. People with this position of the Sun are ambitious, artistic and life loving. Energy and nobility help you "come up in the world", you take fate into your own hands. You undermine yourself and don't tolerate mistakes. You have your own point of view; you are very authentic.

You would be an excellent manager, as you know how to inspire or convince others with your authority. You love expressiveness, and a beautiful and harmonious atmosphere. You cannot imagine your existence without love, you are either passionately in love and shine like the sun, or recently broke up with your love and were left heartbroken.
You easily show leadership qualities in your career; people follow you willingly. But often, due to your vanity, you can react sharply to criticism and surround yourself with sycophants.

You spend a lot on pleasure and entertainment. You are faithful, generous and love children, you can arrange incredible holidays for them and give them gifts.


Cheerfulness, strategic thinking, courage, dedication, reliability, and inner strength.


Selfishness, stubbornness, pride, tactlessness, and scepticism. The loss of authority can be very painful and make you feel deep self-doubt.

Ascendant in Leo

The first thing people see in your personality is your nobleness, dignity, and brightness. You make an impression of being a self-confident and strong person. You are compelling and can energize other people with your mood, also you definitely attract attention. You are born to be a leader and a good manager. You are prone to communication and you prefer to speak more than listen. You are proud, egocentric, and sometimes you may be unrestrained and demonstrative. Your look is presentable and aristocratic. For you, it is important to stand out of the crowd. In your clothes, you prefer bright and saturated colours, paying attention to the quality and price of the item. You are educated in fashion.

Moon in Scorpio

You are very determined and tend to spread your power onto everyone around you. At least, at home you have everything under your control. You don’t like other’s provisions and oppression, and you are strict to your family members and friends. It is impossible to hide anything from you because your instincts and intuition are extremely keen. You are discerning and read other people “like a book” to see all their flaws, so you are pessimistic sometimes. You are strongly concerned with your personal security; you strive to know your future. Nonetheless, you do not want to disclose your inner feelings to other people. For you, it would be good to learn how to relax, calm down your conflicting feelings, listen to your inner voice and to your Higher Self. You should look at your memories and throw away events from your past that are absolutely not relevant to your present. Once badly wounded, now you are afraid of showing your tender and romantic nature, thus you prefer to live with the reputation of an awful poisonous creature. Sure, you make an impression of irresistible sexuality for the members of the opposite sex, and you definitely do not have a lack of attention from your partners. But not every person can withstand your fever pitch and meet your demands. Thus, you should work on yourself: learn to trust people a bit more and learn to forgive them for their mistakes.

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