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Astromix stands with Ukraine

chris rock birth chart analysis

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Chris Rock Birth Chart

Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, and filmmaker known for his sharp wit and social commentary. He was born on February 7, 1965, under the zodiac sign of Aquarius. His birth chart reveals that he strongly emphasizes the element of air, which explains his intelligence, curiosity, and innovation in his comedy and entertainment career.

We decided to dig deeper and examine his birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.

Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Chris's zodiac chart analysis.

Dear Chris, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.

What year was the celebrity born?

February 7, 1965

What zodiac sign is the celebrity?


What rising sign (Ascendant) is the celebrity?


What moon sign is the celebrity?


Create your own free birth/natal chart

Birth chart:

Aspects table and planetary positions




icon Sun icon Aqu 18 ° 38 ’ 30” icon
icon Moon icon Ari 27 ° 02 ’ 19” icon
icon Mercury icon Aqu 06 ° 44 ’ 40” icon
icon Venus icon Aqu 02 ° 52 ’ 56” icon
icon Mars R icon Vir 27 ° 26 ’ 30” icon
icon Jupiter icon Tau 17 ° 26 ’ 07” icon
icon Saturn icon Pis 05 ° 19 ’ 18” icon
icon Uranus R icon Vir 13 ° 48 ’ 24” icon
icon Neptune icon Sco 19 ° 57 ’ 50” icon
icon Pluto R icon Vir 15 ° 41 ’ 28” icon
icon Chiron icon Pis 16 ° 32 ’ 20” icon
icon Lilith icon Cap 13 ° 19 ’ 41” icon
icon North Lunar Node R icon Gem 21 ° 04 ’ 29” icon
icon South Lunar Node R icon Sag 21 ° 04 ’ 29” icon
icon Part of Fortune icon Gem 27 ° 58 ’ 37” icon
icon Vertex icon Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” icon
icon Ascendant icon Ari 19 ° 34 ’ 48”
icon The Midheaven icon Cap 11 ° 56 ’ 06”
Table of Aspects
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Easy factors Hard factors
icon - Trine 120° icon - Square 90° icon - Conjunction 0°
icon - Quincunx 150° icon - Opposition 180° R - Retrograde
icon - Sextile 60°

Sun in Aquarius 2nd Decan

Being a rather unsociable person, you are not inclined to reveal your soul even to close and dear people. Your thoughts and actions may often be illogical or too unusual for others, which leaves the impression of you being a rebel, extravagant, isolated and a strange person.

Freedom of personality is one of your main values, so you think that everyone should be free to do as they want. You do not tolerate other people's imposed rules, and it is common for you to express disagreement against established norms and laws, criticising authority figures and teachers. Such an ideological approach often makes you an informal leader in groups.

Of all the forms of human relationships, you value friendship above all, even in relationships with the opposite sex. And by nature, you probably won't become attached to only one person.

You can't stand boredom and routine. Your life must be very versatile, filled with conversation with interesting people and new impressions so that you feel happy.


Love for freedom, independent thoughts, high intellectual endowments, progressiveness and originality of ideas, friendliness, peacefulness, rare altruism, honesty, a devotion to loved ones, friends, your business and ideas, and an unpretentiousness in everyday life.

Incredible loyalty and dedication towards your ideas. Thanks to Aquarius and your extraordinary ideas, society becomes more humane and equal.


Mood swings, excessive coldness in communication, harshness, and irrevocability of decisions, which manifests itself in the desire to “cut knots, not untie them”.
A tendency towards pessimism and irritability due to dissatisfaction of the surrounding world.

Lack of fulfilment and dissatisfaction with yourself can often develop into emotional coldness with an indifferent attitude to everything that happens in life. But since this artificial indifference is created by the suppression of your emotions, outbursts of almost uncontrollable anger are inevitable at some point.
If others do not share your extraordinary views, you can fall into obsession and suffering.

Ascendant in Aries

The first thing people see in your personality is your confidence, persistence, and enthusiasm. You are born to be a leader. You can infuse people with inspiration and are blessed with charm and energy. You are quick on the trigger and easy to communicate with. Also, you are pushy, sincere, and candid - and these features often confuse others. You can stand up for your ideas, independent from the opinions of other people. You prefer to do your tasks quickly, sometimes you lack patience. You are explosive but calm down quickly. For you, it is easy to start a conversation, setting a tone and topic for communication. You are appreciated for your straightforwardness and honesty. You prefer comfortable clothes that do not restrict fast movements.

Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries commands an active energy and gives you a subconscious urge to compete and be at the top. This aspect creates a belief that the value of a person lies in the field of their achievements and social success. That is why you may feel a kind of permanent dissatisfaction if you do not fulfil your ambitions in the community. This is also the case when your close surroundings may be affected by your anger and temper. As a result, your family and close friends must adjust to your personality.

You back off from your emotional outbursts fast, so your lack of restraint may even stay unnoticed by other people not as close to you. You are not picky and adapt to any changes quickly, whether it is a change of your colleagues, or accommodation, or diet.

You like strong emotions, that is why you have a passion for taking risks, looking at the big picture, and watching action movies more than anyone else. Your household life will be harmonious if you show more tender, love, care, and compassion for your loved ones.

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