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Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, and filmmaker known for his sharp wit and social commentary. He was born on February 7, 1965, under the zodiac sign of Aquarius. His birth chart reveals that he strongly emphasizes the element of air, which explains his intelligence, curiosity, and innovation in his comedy and entertainment career.
We decided to dig deeper and examine his birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.
Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Chris's zodiac chart analysis.
Dear Chris, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.
February 7, 1965
Create your own free birth/natal chart
February 7, 1965 10:00 AM GMT-05:00
Andrews, SC, United States
Planets |
Longitude |
Houses |
Sun |
Aqu 18 ° 38 ’ 30” |
Moon |
Ari 27 ° 02 ’ 19” |
Mercury |
Aqu 06 ° 44 ’ 40” |
Venus |
Aqu 02 ° 52 ’ 56” |
Mars | R |
Vir 27 ° 26 ’ 30” |
Jupiter |
Tau 17 ° 26 ’ 07” |
Saturn |
Pis 05 ° 19 ’ 18” |
Uranus | R |
Vir 13 ° 48 ’ 24” |
Neptune |
Sco 19 ° 57 ’ 50” |
Pluto | R |
Vir 15 ° 41 ’ 28” |
Chiron |
Pis 16 ° 32 ’ 20” |
Lilith |
Cap 13 ° 19 ’ 41” |
North Lunar Node | R |
Gem 21 ° 04 ’ 29” |
South Lunar Node | R |
Sag 21 ° 04 ’ 29” |
Part of Fortune |
Gem 27 ° 58 ’ 37” |
Vertex |
Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” |
Ascendant |
Ari 19 ° 34 ’ 48” | ||
The Midheaven |
Cap 11 ° 56 ’ 06” |
Table of Aspects | |||||||||||||||||
Easy factors | Hard factors | |
R - Retrograde |
Love for freedom, independent thoughts, high intellectual endowments, progressiveness and originality of ideas, friendliness, peacefulness, rare altruism, honesty, a devotion to loved ones, friends, your business and ideas, and an unpretentiousness in everyday life.Weaknesses
Mood swings, excessive coldness in communication, harshness, and irrevocability of decisions, which manifests itself in the desire to “cut knots, not untie them”.Create your own free, personalized, and highly customizable birth chart/natal chart аnd astrology report
Birth chart analysis can show: