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cardi b birth chart analysis

Photo by Leon Bennett on Getty Images

Cardi B Birth Chart 

Cardi B is an American rapper, songwriter, and actress, born on October 11, 1992, in The Bronx, New York City. Her birth chart reveals that she has a Libra Sun sign, which is known for its diplomacy, charm, and sociability. As a Libra, she values harmony and balance in her relationships and career, which is reflected in her music and public persona.We decided to dig deeper and examine her birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.

Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Cardi's zodiac chart analysis.

Dear Cardi, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.

What year was the celebrity born?

September 11, 1992

What zodiac sign is the celebrity?


What rising sign (Ascendant) is the celebrity?


What moon sign is the celebrity?


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Birth chart:

Aspects table and planetary positions




icon Sun icon Vir 19 ° 09 ’ 26” icon
icon Moon icon Pis 14 ° 26 ’ 22” icon
icon Mercury icon Vir 15 ° 58 ’ 57” icon
icon Venus icon Lib 13 ° 29 ’ 28” icon
icon Mars icon Gem 29 ° 39 ’ 50” icon
icon Jupiter icon Vir 23 ° 47 ’ 03” icon
icon Saturn R icon Aqu 12 ° 46 ’ 07” icon
icon Uranus R icon Cap 14 ° 05 ’ 52” icon
icon Neptune R icon Cap 16 ° 15 ’ 04” icon
icon Pluto icon Sco 20 ° 39 ’ 31” icon
icon Chiron icon Leo 17 ° 51 ’ 24” icon
icon Lilith icon Aqu 26 ° 03 ’ 05” icon
icon North Lunar Node R icon Sag 26 ° 56 ’ 26” icon
icon South Lunar Node R icon Gem 26 ° 56 ’ 26” icon
icon Part of Fortune icon Tau 17 ° 45 ’ 33” icon
icon Vertex icon Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” icon
icon Ascendant icon Sco 22 ° 28 ’ 37”
icon The Midheaven icon Vir 04 ° 51 ’ 11”
Table of Aspects
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Easy factors Hard factors
icon - Trine 120° icon - Square 90° icon - Conjunction 0°
icon - Quincunx 150° icon - Opposition 180° R - Retrograde
icon - Sextile 60°

Sun in Virgo 2d Decan

You live by logic. Your rational and analytical mind allows you to thoroughly understand any issue and pay attention to shortcomings. You are fussy and demanding of food, clothing, work, love, and friends. You give the impression that you have great taste in how to dress. You are intelligent with an intellectual sense of humour.

You are a patient and calm person, preferring to communicate within a small circle of people. You are not particularly prone to excitement and risk; you prefer events to follow a certain plan and unfold in an understandable and comprehensive way. In behaviour and communication, you prefer consistency and concreteness, without emotional outbursts.

Your ambitiousness and business abilities make you one of the best professionals and leaders in your field. You are exceedingly wise, feel like the master of life, and your work brings you pleasure. At the same time, you probably won’t rush to get married because of your self-reliance.


Virgos are great financiers, talented at activities that require fine motor skills and perseverance: drawing, sewing, repairing, developing drugs, making calculations, and drawing up blueprints. In your work, you are an unusually efficient employee - you are diligent, precise, and accurate. You know how to optimise processes, developing instructions and technologies. You aim to be independent and prefer an independent work area.


Your criticism and fussiness can be a problem in relationships and become an obstacle to success in life. You tend to forget about yourself and won’t ask for additional rewards when you overwork. Because of your modesty, you often underestimate your work, which actually costs you more.

Ascendant in Scorpio

The first thing people see in your personality is your tranquillity, forthcoming manner, and magnetism. You look a bit like a secret agent, you can go unnoticed at first but then, if it comes to a clash of interests, you are able to reveal your explosive temper and show your determination, cunning, and lust for power. You know very well what you want in this life and you won’t let anyone supervise you or tell you what to do. You act advisedly, after thorough consideration of every factor. You are so cautious that it borders on paranoia. You do not let a person come close to you until you are certain of their good will. In your personal life, you demand love and devotion for eternity, and if you are betrayed, you take it deep to heart and want your offender to pay for this. Your persistence for your goals is amazing. You are emotional but you are good at hiding this weak point. You are observant, intelligent, and notice many details. In case of emergencies and other extreme situations, you can focus and concentrate to act much faster and better than others.

Moon in Pisces

You are extremely light-hearted and full of so much empathy for other people that your understanding of their feelings and needs looks like mind-reading. You cannot stand seeing suffering in front of your eyes, whether it is a human or an animal. People feel your kindness and compassion, so those suffering from heartache or depression seek your help often. And sometimes they abuse your soft-heartedness. With the Moon in Pisces, it is critical for you to listen to your intuition and not ignore its voice. You can reveal the voice of your Soul through meditation, privacy, and silence and tranquillity in your home. Then you will be guided by this voice all the time in your everyday life.

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