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billie eilish birth chart analysis

Photo by Kevin Mazur on Getty Images

Billie Eilish Birth Chart 

Billie Eilish is an American singer and songwriter born on December 18, 2001. Her birth chart shows that she has a sun in Sagittarius, which makes her adventurous and optimistic. Additionally, her moon is in Aquarius, indicating that she is independent and unique. Eilish has expressed an interest in astrology and often incorporates zodiac themes in her music and fashion.

We decided to dig deeper and examine her birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.

Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Billie's zodiac chart analysis.

Dear Billie, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.

What year was the celebrity born?

December 18, 2001

What zodiac sign is the celebrity?


What rising sign (Ascendant) is the celebrity?


What moon sign is the celebrity?


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Birth chart:

Aspects table and planetary positions




icon Sun icon Sag 26 ° 57 ’ 04” icon
icon Moon icon Aqu 12 ° 38 ’ 24” icon
icon Mercury icon Cap 04 ° 43 ’ 18” icon
icon Venus icon Sag 20 ° 33 ’ 55” icon
icon Mars icon Pis 07 ° 13 ’ 40” icon
icon Jupiter R icon Can 12 ° 24 ’ 50” icon
icon Saturn R icon Gem 10 ° 15 ’ 25” icon
icon Uranus icon Aqu 21 ° 53 ’ 45” icon
icon Neptune icon Aqu 07 ° 00 ’ 44” icon
icon Pluto icon Sag 15 ° 32 ’ 57” icon
icon Chiron icon Cap 00 ° 44 ’ 25” icon
icon Lilith icon Pis 13 ° 12 ’ 22” icon
icon North Lunar Node icon Gem 27 ° 09 ’ 07” icon
icon South Lunar Node icon Sag 27 ° 09 ’ 07” icon
icon Part of Fortune icon Tau 03 ° 11 ’ 57” icon
icon Vertex icon Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” icon
icon Ascendant icon Pis 17 ° 30 ’ 36”
icon The Midheaven icon Sag 22 ° 31 ’ 23”
Table of Aspects
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Easy factors Hard factors
icon - Trine 120° icon - Square 90° icon - Conjunction 0°
icon - Quincunx 150° icon - Opposition 180° R - Retrograde
icon - Sextile 60°

Sun in Sagittarius 3rd Decan

You have a philosophical mindset; you know how to see the big picture. You have an innate eloquence and talent as a speaker. You feel great when acting as the head of a large team. You can give examples, legends, and parables in your speech. However, you use a lot of unproductive words to answer one specific question.

From a professional viewpoint, you will be able to fully express yourself in fields where you will have an impact on common problems: in teaching, politics, PR, spiritual guidance, jurisprudence, and activities in peacekeeping, public, religious and environmental organisations.

Sagittarius have an interesting trait which is innate spirituality. Regardless of their real achievements, people still perceive Sagittarius as sublime to some extent. You are altruistic, so quarrels and conflicts are unpleasant for you, but sometimes you get into an argument because of an excessive sense of fairness and common sense.

You are a romantic person, but marriage for you is a serious step that requires asset management. You are more attracted to traveling a nomadic lifestyle than a strict family life.


You are witty and creative. You are distinguished by your truthfulness, optimism, and generosity. You love prestige and everything on a grand scale. You are ready to participate in large projects and take on great responsibility. Being a people person, you will easily succeed in working with youth, teaching, and show business.


Inconsistency in character, eccentricity, biting sarcasm, talkativeness, bragging and arrogance. You tend to lead an overly idle lifestyle.
The main vulnerability of Sagittarius 3rd Decan is their stagnant inflexible system of values and strongly embedded beliefs. This prevents them from acquiring new experiences, knowledge, and expanding their worldview.
Routine and monotony make you extremely bored. This often manifests itself in a lack of perseverance and unwillingness to delve into details.

Ascendant in Pisces

The first thing people see in your personality is your dreaminess, impressionability, and good heartedness. You are emotional, affected by strong turmoil deep in your heart, and this shows through your constant mood swings. You are responsive and always ready to help. Your personality is soft and modest. Your flexible personality lets you adapt in conflicting situations. Mysteriousness is definitely your feature. You can construe intrigue and are fond of mysteries and the unknown. Your imagination is very vivid, and you tend to submerge yourself in your fantasies, which is why you should always keep contact with reality. You are sensitive, romantic, and compassionate. As for your activities, your harmonic aspects are the arts and related to helping other people, plus something with the opportunity to use your rich emotional spectrum. As for your clothes, you prefer romantic and loose styles.

Moon in Aquarius

You do not follow what other people do. Family ties and other kinds of bonds are not so important to you as they are to other people. Friends are often closer to you than your blood relatives are. In your personal relationships, you insist on a definite scale of freedom and independence in your friendship with many different people, both men and women. You cannot appreciate a person close to you if they are jealous and strive to boss you around. There is no doubt that you need a person who will stimulate you intellectually. Your own example gives you an opportunity to see that sometimes the most stable and significant relationships develop from a platonic, warm friendship, that can subsequently grow step by step into something more sensual and passionate.

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