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alexa demie birth chart analysis

Photo by Jeff Kravitz on Getty Images

Alexa Demie Birth Chart 

Alexa Demie is an American actress and singer, born on December 11, 1990. Her birth chart reveals that her sun sign is Sagittarius, and her moon sign is Libra. She has a keen interest in astrology and often shares insights about zodiac signs on her social media. Alexa's unique combination of sun and moon signs makes her a curious and charming individual with a great sense of balance and harmony.

We decided to dig deeper and examine her birth chart, as we love a good old astrological investigation.

Grab some popcorn, a red bull and join our Alexa's zodiac chart analysis.

Dear Alexa, we hope you will have a chance to read this article as we dedicate it to you and provide you with your full astrological report, so you can understand why & how the Universe helped you become the person you are nowadays.

What year was the celebrity born?

December 11, 1990

What zodiac sign is the celebrity?


What rising sign (Ascendant) is the celebrity?


What moon sign is the celebrity?


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Birth chart:

Aspects table and planetary positions




icon Sun icon Sag 19 ° 53 ’ 50” icon
icon Moon icon Lib 25 ° 41 ’ 20” icon
icon Mercury icon Cap 09 ° 24 ’ 10” icon
icon Venus icon Sag 29 ° 52 ’ 30” icon
icon Mars R icon Gem 00 ° 32 ’ 53” icon
icon Jupiter R icon Leo 13 ° 21 ’ 34” icon
icon Saturn icon Cap 23 ° 27 ’ 23” icon
icon Uranus icon Cap 08 ° 33 ’ 31” icon
icon Neptune icon Cap 13 ° 23 ’ 12” icon
icon Pluto icon Sco 18 ° 56 ’ 46” icon
icon Chiron R icon Can 26 ° 27 ’ 06” icon
icon Lilith icon Sag 15 ° 01 ’ 43” icon
icon North Lunar Node R icon Cap 28 ° 49 ’ 09” icon
icon South Lunar Node R icon Can 28 ° 49 ’ 09” icon
icon Part of Fortune icon Lib 09 ° 23 ’ 43” icon
icon Vertex icon Ari 00 ° 00 ’ 00” icon
icon Ascendant icon Leo 15 ° 11 ’ 13”
icon The Midheaven icon Tau 08 ° 38 ’ 56”
Table of Aspects
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Easy factors Hard factors
icon - Trine 120° icon - Square 90° icon - Conjunction 0°
icon - Quincunx 150° icon - Opposition 180° R - Retrograde
icon - Sextile 60°

Sun in Sagittarius 2nd Decan

You have a philosophical mindset; you know how to see the big picture. You have an innate eloquence and talent as a speaker. You feel great when acting as the head of a large team. You can give examples, legends, and parables in your speech. However, you use a lot of unproductive words to answer one specific question.

From a professional viewpoint, you will be able to fully express yourself in fields where you will have an impact on common problems: in teaching, politics, PR, spiritual guidance, jurisprudence, and activities in peacekeeping, public, religious and environmental organisations.

Sagittarius have an interesting trait which is the innate spirituality. Regardless of their real achievements, people still perceive Sagittarius as sublime to some extent. You are altruistic, so quarrels and conflicts are unpleasant for you, but sometimes you get into an argument because of an excessive sense of fairness and common sense.

You are a romantic person, but marriage for you is a serious step that requires asset management. You are more attracted to traveling a nomadic lifestyle than a strict family life.


You are witty and creative. You are distinguished by truthfulness, optimism, and generosity. You love prestige and everything in a grand scale.
With your tenacious mind, courage, wise planning ability and stress resistance, you can achieve success in business. Unlike the representatives of the 1st Decan, you are already more practical, and strive to take a high position in the society.


Inconsistency in character, eccentricity, biting sarcasm, talkativeness, bragging, and arrogance. You tend to lead an overly idle lifestyle.
Because of the lack of stability, you tend to commit strange and contradictory actions as you do not know how to control your emotions. You often lack the perseverance to go into detail.

Ascendant in Leo

The first thing people see in your personality is your nobleness, dignity, and brightness. You make an impression of being a self-confident and strong person. You are compelling and can energize other people with your mood, also you definitely attract attention. You are born to be a leader and a good manager. You are prone to communication and you prefer to speak more than listen. You are proud, egocentric, and sometimes you may be unrestrained and demonstrative. Your look is presentable and aristocratic. For you, it is important to stand out of the crowd. In your clothes, you prefer bright and saturated colours, paying attention to the quality and price of the item. You are educated in fashion.

Moon in Libra

Being alone is hardly bearable for you, and more than anyone else, you need romantic relationships during your entire life. You are charming and able to be on friendly terms with different people. When you occasionally quarrel with someone, you tend to seek a way to get the relationship back on track, because the stressful environment is suffocating for you. Generally, to avoid upsetting relations with other people, you are ready to compromise your principles and surrender in situations where otherwise you could insist on getting your own way.

You may think that you cannot make it alone, and you need a partner to balance you. That is why sometimes you are too co-dependent with your partner.

In a new environment, you adapt to the circumstances quickly, and behave in a delicate, soft, and respectful manner. You strive to make a positive impression on everyone, and you may even make a pretence to achieve this.
As a parent, you, like no one else, can teach your children a sense of justice and stimulate their creative skills.

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