What is the Most Romantic Zodiac Sign?


Those days are gone when lovers wrote letters to each other in ink on white paper, or when men took part in competitions for the beloved’s hand. Nevertheless, romance has not gone anywhere. It has just changed its form.

I’m sure you had a chance to notice that some people are excited about walking in the moonlight, listening to jazz music on the roof, and dedicating poems to each other. When others can’t stand all these chick-flick moments and even call them, (please, excuse me) “pink snot”.

Romance is multifaceted and is perceived differently and individually. To find out the level of romance in somebody’s blood, just look at the date of his birth. Astrology can tell a lot about behaviour, traits of character preferences of this or that person, and about proneness to romantic gestures too.

So, what is the most romantic zodiac sign among all twelve? Here is our ranking from the zodiac zealots of romance to those who indifferent enough to all its manifestations. Let’s have a look!

Which zodiac signs are the most romantic?

Couple on desert

According to astrology and the experts of this science, the desire to commit romantic acts is not inherent in everyone. Nevertheless, love is capable of transforming people. Sometimes even the biggest confronters of sweet deeds suddenly find themselves committing them. There is a romantic side in everyone but it manifests itself in different ways.

Do not worry if your zodiac sign or your sweetheart’s is at the very end of the list. Romance has its own meaning and definition for everyone. But what will astrology tell us about this?

Pisces ♓︎

“Which zodiac sign is a hopeless romantic?” – you may ask. This is definitely Pisces. The representatives of this sign are prone to idealize everything that surrounds them. Being excessively dreamy, these people live in a fantasy world and want to carry their beloved ones off with themselves.

Pisces believe in eternal love and are ready to search for it through life until find. They are deeply convinced that love stories from books and romantic comedies are not the flight of imagination. These stories have a place in real life too. Pisceans expect romantic gestures from their soul mates as well as adore to do touching things themselves. They will definitely appreciate admiring the sunset or dawn, writing love notes to each other, or cooking together.

The representatives of the Water element love stormy novels and strong emotions. If love is mutual, they can make it look like a fairy tale. No matter how hard you try, you cannot prove to Pisces that true love does not exist. It is just impossible.

Cancer ♋︎

Sensual Cancers begin to believe in love in early childhood. They are convinced that it’s possible to fall in love once and keep this feeling through life.

Cancers take their choice of partners very seriously. Once they have managed to meet that one and only, a miracle happens. Cancers become hopeless romantics, care-givers, and protectors. Compared to Pisceans, these with claws do not live in the clouds. They do not idealize their partners like mad. When the relationship doesn’t meet their expectations, they do not get disappointed. They will persistently start looking for that one and only again. Cancers appreciate splendid bunches of roses and cute surprises. However, attention and care is the best form of romance for them. A cup of tea in bed or sharing house chores are quite romantic acts according to Cancer’s point of view.

Libra ♎︎

Libra is a real aesthete. The representatives of this zodiac sign are crazy about nice knick-knacks, arts, nature. In addition, they have a crush on attractive people. Libras love to flirt, love drama, and spectacular romantic deeds. Regarding the latter, Libras are really not stingy for romance. However, there is a small “but”. They are afraid that you’ll not appreciate their gestures that’s why they apply already proven approaches that already have been successful.

It’s obvious that Libras strive for balance in everything. They do not lose their heads, even if they believe in fairytale love. Libra wants to have “normal love”, not too exalted, as well as “normal romantic deeds”, not too fantastical.

By the way, these people are ready to do a lot for the sake of their lover’s happiness. Just grab Libra’s heart, and you will not regret it.

Sagittarius ♐︎

Sagittarius is known for his love of freedom and for the detestation of restrictions. You can rarely meet any mentions of romantic acts made by this half-human, half-horse. However, believe, he is pretty romantic, especially at the beginning of the relationship. People, born under this sign, will astonish with surprises, gifts, and meticulously crafted dates up to a certain point. What point? As soon as Sagittarius realizes that he has already won your heart by sweet actions, his ardor will cool down.

In his striving to do something pleasant for a beloved one, Sagittarius brings himself to the fore. He likes to catch the admiring gaze of his partner and hear the words of gratitude. Romantic gestures should satisfy his ego, first of all.

What is more, Sagittarius can’t stand monotony, that’s why romance is also needed to break an ordinary scenario.

Leo ♌︎

At first glance, it’s hard to believe that Leo is a romantic sign. We know him as a person who requires unconditional obedience and devotion from people around him. Well, that’s true. However, this does not negate the fact that there is room for romance in Leo’s life. Leo likes to show off. Therefore, all his romantic gestures aim at strengthening a sense of self-superiority. Zodiacal lions arrange everything in a big way, letting their imagination run riot. Trips to the Maldives, huge bunches of flowers, pricey jewelry – this is how he shows love and boosts self-esteem. All at once.

Leo strives for bathing in the rays of glory and loves attention. It means that in return for his romantic actions, he will demand your praise and flattery.

Gemini ♊︎

Geminis rarely commit romantic acts and do not require them from their partners. Nevertheless, extraordinary and mind-blowing things drive them crazy and nourish from the inside. The desire to be special and be remembered as the best partner makes Gemini roll up sleeves and get ahead of himself. He is capable of truly striking deeds if only he wants it.

“I don’t look at the obstacles, I focus on the goal!” And the goal in this case is the heart of his beloved. To win it over, he will be excessively courtly, affectionate, and nice. But get ready that it won’t be for long. His chaotic and frivolous nature will reveal itself very soon.

Virgo ♍︎

Someone once told that Virgo can be very romantic until it touches her budget. That’s true without exaggerations. Virgos appreciate a practical and realistic approach to life. They can’t understand why people spend huge amounts of money on luxurious dates when it’s better to invest them in the renovation, for example. Nevertheless, Virgo glances in secret at the relationship with the romantic vibe and gets a little upset. Inside, she feels that she would also want such a scenario, but she is wired in a completely different way.

Taurus ♉︎

Solid and stubborn, Taurus is poorly associated with romance. It’s unlikely that he will serenade you under the window or invite you on a date in a hot air balloon. Even if he is overwhelmed with feelings, it’s beyond his strength. Nevertheless, they can perform something romantic a couple of times per year. Nothing extraordinary. You can get a bunch of flowers or an invitation to a restaurant, but you shouldn’t count on anything more. Meanwhile, Taurus is very caring in everyday life. It is more important than love letters and ostentatious dates, don’t you think so?

Capricorn ♑︎

When someone mentions Capricorn, you are likely to imagine a strict and serious person, deprived of romantic DNA at all. In fact, they are just afraid of revealing this “fragile” part of their nature. Until he gets to know you well, he will hide it behind severity and slight cynicism. As soon as he feels that you can be trusted, he will immediately transform. Not everyone is privileged to know a cute Capricorn but those who have a chance will be very surprised. Do not blame him for sweet acts in any case. It will deeply hurt him, and you will never see Capricorn playing a romantic role anymore.

Aquarius ♒︎

Aquarius is too realistic, and romantic deeds have nothing in common with reality, as far as he knows. These people are rather philosophers than romantics. They can muse on love topics but rarely do something special. Meanwhile, Aquarius hates trite rush acts. When he really feels that his partner is need of particular attention, he can do the headstand, play the violin, make a bunch of edible flowers, and all sorts of extraordinary things. Looks like he’s devoid of romance but can when needed.

Aries ♈︎

It’s quite difficult for Aries to be gentle and affectionate. He is determined, self-confident, and stubborn. It’s not that easy to move him to tears or make reveal his soul. However, somewhere deep inside Aries’ soul, very deep, there is a romantic seed which something very cute can grow from. In a relationship with Aries, you must be an intricate mystery. To find a solution, Aries can do unbelievably romantic deeds. Just to find a solution, not to please you.

Scorpio ♏︎

Scorpio is extremely careful about his romantic relationships, always leaving his heart moderately cold and his mind open. Astrology calls him the least romantic sign of a zodiac circle. How did it happen? Scorpios strive for perfection, and relationship, as far as we know, are flawless only in films or Pisces’ universe. Having wittingly realized that they will not be able to organize an ideal date, Scorpios do not even try.

Scorpio will always love himself more than anyone else. Even if you will be lucky to hear “Scorpio” and “romance” in one sentence, be assured – he has arranged the romantic performance for himself.


You have just found out who from the zodiac circle is stingy with feelings and emotions and who is ready to astonish with romantic gestures every day. If you or your partner fall under the non-romantic category, do not get upset. Mutual understanding, support, and care are more important in a relationship than a bath with rose petals. In the end, everyone shows love in his own way. Focus on each other’s needs and choose a comfortable option for both of you.

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