March 2023 horoscope: What this month has in store for your zodiac sign


Let’s dive into the main events of March and see how they can affect our lives and how to use these energies correctly.

Let’s see in more detail the Astrology of March 2023 for each zodiac sign :star2:

♈ Aries


Birth dates
March 21 – April 20

Money & Career

The beginning of the month won’t be really eventful but don’t be sad. The planet of communication and trades – Mercury, enters your Sun closer to the March end.
This will bring you new valuable people, mental activity, and luck on business trips.
You will feel full of fresh ideas, so use this time to make good deals and take the most out of this opportunity.

Love & Relations

Love life promises to be going quite well. Finally, there is a chance to meet your soulmate. Therefore, it is worth taking the initiative and spending more time in society.

Your Love Horoscope is a great assistant in matters of love & relations. It even reveals the list of specific places and dates where you are most likely to meet your soulmate, so be sure to check it out, and I’m sure you’ll find your luck.

If you are already in a relationship, this month can be great to improve it.
Don’t be afraid to open up and show your feelings, set a romantic date, and spend more time with your significant other..


You may experience a state of melancholy, manifesting through drowsiness, low energy level, or even a depressive mood.
Emotional instability tends to affect your body, so taking care of your mental state and finding joy is important for keeping yourself in shape.

♉ Taurus


Birth dates
April 21 – May 20

Money & Career

By the end of the month, Saturn will transit from Aquarius to Pisces and stop creating a square to your sign. Limiting factors that previously prevented you from reaching your financial potential will finally fade. New opportunities are about to come your way.

Now is the time to ease your path to self-actualization with the help of astrological financial analysis. First, check Your Financial Success Horoscope and pay attention to the included guidance section, as it will help you bring your ideas to life.

Love & Relations

A promising period full of love adventures begins in the second half of March.
However, those born in April and early May may feel it more than others as your Sun will connect to Venus – the planet of beauty, love, and harmony.
It doesn’t matter if you are single or already in a relationship, as this period is peaceful and full of positivity for every Taurus.

It is an excellent time to take your relationship to a new level if you’ve already found your soulmate; it may be time to make a proposal or move in together.


Your health will be in excellent condition as you will be strong and energetic. You will get amazing results from any health-improving or therapeutic procedures.
Now is a great time to start doing sports and other exercises to keep your body and mind in shape.

♊ Gemini


Birth dates
May 21 – June 21

Money & Career

Due to the tense Mercury influence, your attention may be reduced in the first half of March. Therefore, I recommend you avoid making important decisions, as there is a high risk of missing important details.

Stay away from risky financial operations, suspicious investments, and gambling.
By the end of the month, Saturn moves to Pisces, creating a square to your Sun. Such a position suggests that you may have new responsibilities or those you need to remind yourself of.

Also, your Sun is connected to Mars this month, giving you the determination and energy to succeed even in the boldest projects.
But on the other hand, Mars is known to carry hot and fierce energy, so you may end up in conflicts while defending your position or being overly emotional.

Love & Relations

You have to take matters into your own hands as the stars grant you complete freedom.
Just make sure you sort out whatever’s on your mind. Astrological influence ain’t gonna interfere.

But at the same time, you have got to take full responsibility for your successes and failures.
So go ahead and take action, as this month, you can’t go blaming the planets!


Overall, March is quite a good month for your health, and you can enjoy your physical and emotional well-being. However, it’s important to remember that you must devote enough time to physical exercises and nutrition to maintain your condition.
Don’t overly stress because of minor health conditions; you will find solutions and feel better.

♋ Cancer


Birth dates
June 22 – July 22

Money & Career

In business matters, March will be particularly lucky for you, especially the first three weeks. Take your time with important tasks. The likelihood of receiving help and support is increasing.

Feel free to assert yourself to talk about your ideas to find like-minded people.
By the way, now is a good time for investments; there is a chance of significant profit.
In the last week of the month, those – born in June need to be more careful and avoid participating in gambling and suspicious projects.

Love & Relations

The first half of March may bring some disappointments in love matters.
Your selfishness may hurt your partner and lead to scandals.
To avoid any conflicts, use guidance from Your Compatibility Horoscope. Your relationship will improve in the second half of the month.

For single Cancers, the second half of March is an excellent time to go out and make new acquaintances, as you may meet your potential soulmate.


Moon conjuncts your Sun this month, and since it rules your zodiac, this period promises to be quite lucky for you.
Even if you were previously worried about chronic illnesses, their symptoms are about to be almost invisible in March.
Now is the right time to start therapeutic and health procedures, so go for it.

♌ Leo


Birth dates
July 23 – August 23

Money & Career

Prepare in advance, as March may be financially challenging.
Rely only on yourself to avoid negative influences, and don’t seek support from bosses and colleagues. Due to Mercury’s tense influence (Mercury is responsible for communication), you may face misunderstandings from the second half of the month. Therefore, it is better to postpone deals and reports to avoid mistakes.

Love & Relations

Venus, the planet of love, will favor you in the second half of March.
Remember to look around if you are currently single – perhaps your soulmate is somewhere nearby. So take advantage of the opportunity to go out and meet new people.

Those who are already in a relationship can improve their communication. Joint time, romantic trips, long walks, and picnics will add more love and understanding to your relationship.

However, the situation may change closer to the second half of March, and the likelihood of conflicts increases, so try to be more attentive to your significant other.


You will enter a period of increased physical activity from the first half of March.
If you are into sports or planning to start working out, now is a great time to do it. Remember that exercising is important, but don’t overdo it.
Take care of your health, get enough rest, and eat well.

♍ Virgo


Birth dates
August 24 – September 23

Money & Career

Focusing on routine tasks and minimizing conflicts with superiors and official organizations is better for the first three weeks of the month. Conflicts are more likely to occur.
Those born in mid-September should especially control their emotions, as the influence of aggressive Mars may push them towards impulsive actions.

The last week of March will be much calmer and more productive. So it’s better to postpone important matters until the end of the month.

Love & Relations

Venus, the planet of love, will favor you in the second half of March.
Remember to look around if you are currently single – perhaps your soulmate is somewhere nearby. So take advantage of the opportunity to go out and meet new people.

For those who have already found their significant other, the current period can be wonderful for improving relationships. Spending time together, going on romantic trips, long walks, and picnics will add more love and understanding.


This month is excellent to start improving your mental health. Try to practice meditation, learn to relax, and find a hobby that makes you happy.
Maintain emotional balance, and physical problems won’t bother you.

♎ Libra


Birth dates
September 24 – October 23

Money & Career

A positive Marsian aspect will push you towards active actions.
Those born in mid-October will especially feel it. The first three weeks of the month promise to be successful for negotiations, speeches, and starting new projects.It’s going to be much easier to take the initiative now if you lacked the courage before.

Love & Relations

The first half of the month may disappoint you in romance.
The tense aspect with Venus causes irritability, and time spent with your loved one may not bring the desired satisfaction.

But you can improve your relationship with the right approach. Use Your Compatibility Horoscope to find tips, as they will help you build balanced and healthy relations.
Single Libras are recommended to go out more in the second half of the month; you may
find your potential partner.


You may experience drowsiness, mood swings, lack of energy, and decreased confidence. Such emotional instabilities can negatively affect the condition of your cardiovascular system.
It’s worth paying extra attention to your well-being if you have stomach problems, as they may get worse.

♏ Scorpio


Birth dates
October 24 – November 22

Money & Career

The first half of March will be fortunate for business matters. The harmonious influence of Mercury will give your mind some clarity. Negotiations and public speeches will go better than ever.

Throughout the month, you will have an increased desire for leadership. As a result, you may take more responsibilities and initiative while quickly solving financial problems.

Saturn moves from Aquarius to Pisces by the end of the month and stops creating a square to your sign. This means that the restrictions that previously tied your hands will no longer be there, and you will have more possibilities.

Love & Relations

If you are currently single, it’s best to look for a partner in the first half of the month. However, starting from the third week of March, your efforts may be ineffective due to Venus’s tense aspect.

Those in a relationship may feel distant from their partner in the second half of the month. The solution is to listen to your significant other, mediate your selfishness, and understand that relationships are teamwork and supporting each other is essential.


Your productivity, energy, and happiness will noticeably improve this month. Minor emotional outbursts and tension may still occur, but they should not affect you much.
Now is an excellent time to start a course of treatments, as well as to participate in sports, wellness events, and any other activities.

♐ Sagittarius


Birth dates
November 23 – December 21

Money & Career

I am happy to inform you that the tense period in your finances ends at the end of March. Still, stay alert, as Mercury’s position can cause misunderstandings, errors, and other troubles. There is a risk of confrontations at the beginning of the month. Therefore, plan your most important events for the last week of the month.

Love & Relations

March is going to be good for you, especially in its first half. Venus will be in a good position towards your sign during this time, which means that single people can easily start a new romance.

If you are in love, you can strengthen your relationships and become closer to your partner.
Pay attention to guidance from Your Compatibility Horoscope, as it makes it much easier to find peace & mutual understanding.


March is a perfect time to start practicing yoga or other activities that can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. It’s especially important for you to rest, so find time to relax and meditate. Remember that your emotional and physical well-being are interconnected, so if you’re not feeling well, sometimes all you need is to take a break to recover.

♑ Capricorn


Birth dates
December 22 – January 20

Money & Career

The negative influence of Mercury will lead to a decrease in concentration and critical thinking ability in the second half of the month. It’s not the best time for learning, as your memory may fail you. Plan important matters for the first half of March if it’s necessary to avoid mistakes.

Love & Relations

The first half of March may bring some disappointments. Your selfishness may hurt your partner and lead to further arguments. However, Venus, the planet of love, will be fairer to you in the second half of March. As a result, relationships will improve; you can expect lovely surprises, compliments, and more attention.

It’s an excellent time to go out and meet new people if you are currently single. You are lovely and attract people.


Be alert if you suffer from any chronic conditions, as they may remind you of themselves. Spend more time outdoors, watch your sleep schedule, and avoid overworking. Use Your Personalized Health Horoscope to get a more detailed analysis of the causes of your discomfort.

♒ Aquarius


Birth dates
January 21 – February 20

Money & Career

You are still in a prosperous period due to the Mars influence (just like the past 2 months): lots of energy, a desire to show leadership, a drive for competition, and a desire to be the best. So take advantage of this time because this astrological aspect comes to its end, and you may have less decisiveness.

Saturn leaves your sign closer to the end of the month, and you will feel relieved. You will finally be able to get rid of some burdensome obligations.

Love & Relations

The beginning of the month promises to be smooth and calm. Single Aquarians can make new contacts during this time.

Check out Your Personal Love Horoscope, and use personalized recommendations to find love that will last and bring joy.

Your mood swings and sensitivity may harm your relationships in the second half of March. Don’t take everything personally, and don’t get upset with your partner.
Instead, keep being constructive and try to find compromises.


You may feel a strong desire to drastically change your lifestyle, become more active, switch to a healthy diet, and engage in regular physical exercises. Start now, be confident, and prepare for positive results. You will soon see an improvement in your overall well-being.

♓ Pisces


Birth dates
February 21 – March 20

Happy birthday, our March-born Pisces! Spend this month in a way that lays the foundation for a happy year. We love and appreciate you ❤️

Money & Career

Happy birthday, our March-born Pisces! Spend this month in a way that lays the foundation for a happy year. We love and appreciate you ❤️

You will feel a surge of energy and new ideas in the first half of the month. Your Sun is connecting to Mercury, and it’s an excellent time for traveling, establishing new contacts, and learning.

By the end of the month, Saturn (planet of duties and limitations) enters your sign.
This is a period of setting priorities, maturing, and taking on new responsibilities. Remember that Saturn may test you, but it can be a period of growth and reaching a new level.

Love & Relations

Now you can find new romantic interests if you are single. The stars reveal the possibility of meeting someone who can understand and support your ideas & interests.
Use the recommendations from Your Personal Love Horoscope and be open to new connections.

Those already in a relationship can enjoy a wonderful time with their significant other, as the negative influence of the planets will not affect you at all.


Your productivity, energy, and happiness will noticeably improve this month.
Minor emotional outbursts and tension may still occur, but they should not affect you much.
Now is an excellent time to start a course of treatments, as well as to participate in sports, wellness events, and any other activities.

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