Which Zodiac Sign is the Prettiest?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yes, I know, the saying is as much of a cliche as it gets. But really, beauty is an extremely subjective concept. Some like curvy bodies, some prefer skinny. Some go crazy over blue eyes and others think that high cheekbones look amazing. In most cases, attractiveness has little to do with the looks. So you understand that trying to determine which zodiac sign is the prettiest is no easy task.

Here’s the thing, lots and lots of people are attractive in their own, unique way, regardless of their sun sign. What else is new, right? But in fact, physical attractiveness does not depend on a zodiac sign as much as say your character or preferences. It rather depends on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. And, of course, the genes your parents gave you.

That being said, astrologers believe that with some zodiac signs, attractive people are more common than with others. Let’s see who they are, shall we?

What is the prettiest zodiac sign?

Don’t we all want to be pretty? In the morning, after a long day, after a party. Some people invest a great deal of work, time, and money to try and look perfect. Others seem to be beautiful any time, anywhere effortlessly.

We all look different and have different traits that make us who we are. But it seems that some people were touched by nature at the moment of their birth. Sure, there are as many opinions on beauty as there are people. But astrologers say that there are four zodiac signs that drew a winning number at a beauty lottery.

Leo ♌︎

Leo’s main forte is their charismatic personality. And trust me, they are aware of it and know how to use it. Even in a crowd, they know how to be in the center of all attention. Their great looks are often combined with an impressive and rich inner world. Even if their physical shape is far from conventional perfection, Leos are always impressive and eye-catching. Maybe it’s their own kind of magic but they always manage to turn their flaws into advantages.

Leo women

They know they were born to be queens and never get tired of proving it. A Leo woman always knows what she wants. She will set her own high bar and do her best to keep up with it. These women never miss the opportunity to take good care of their looks. So they are always seen as admirable beauties with sophisticated manners and taste.
Being pretty is a job too! They go to beauty shops, do their hair, buy brand clothes… and enjoy compliments. Leo women appreciate splendor and luxury. This easily shows both in their homes and in the way they look.

Normally Leo women really enjoy the company of men. It’s not that they feel uncomfortable around other women. They just tend to see them rather as dangerous competition than genuine friends. At the same time, other women try to imitate their manners and appearance seeing Leos as the standard of sexiness and beauty.

It’s worth noting that they are great lovers. Few men are able to resist their charms and energy. Leos love flirting and demand that others show their admiration. Otherwise, they start doubting both their partners’ feelings and their own irresistibility.

Leo men

Even if they are not the most physically attractive men you’ve ever seen, they certainly know how to be impressive and interesting. They move with confidence and some special grace. Their entire image inspires respect and trust. Leos always hold their head up high.

Leo men aren’t the ones who are going to hide their eyes or look down when they talk to you. They look straight in your eyes. Sometimes they might remind of a lithe cat that hides a lion’s power.

They dress sharp and prefer formal suits to emphasize their air of presence. The impression they make on others means a great deal to Leo men. So they will go to great lengths to look their best and show off.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn

Scorpio ♏︎

Scorpios might not be the easiest people to get along with but they are incredibly attractive. They are charming, charismatic, and sexy. And to top all that, there are also attractive features combined with Scorpio’s talent for choosing the best clothing and accessories. These people really care about what they wear. They have that innate taste and style that make them stand out and attract a lot of attention.

Scorpio women

Even if they don’t have the looks to win a Miss Universe contest, they have what it takes to arrest attention. Any attention at all, mind you, whether it’s men or women. It’s all thanks to unwavering self-confidence and a rich inner world to support it. Not to mention the secret magnetism that just draws people into their orbit.

Scorpio women are those they often call femme fatale. They are resolute, headstrong, and brave but at the same time, charming in a very feminine way. And they are not shy to use it to their advantage. Even in anger, they are incredibly beautiful.

Scorpio men

Powerful, mysterious, very real, and shockingly sexy. In many ways, these men are unique and quite dramatic. If you’ve never met a Scorpio man before, they might even scare you. They are intense. When they fall in love, their self-assertiveness turns into a powerful passion.

Scorpio men seem to prefer dark and somber tones when it comes to clothing but it doesn’t make them unsightly at all. Maybe it’s their great physical shape, poise, proud gaze, and confident manner of moving. They are endlessly sexy and they never hesitate to emphasize their effect on women.

Scorpios are tall, strong, and tough but they can be emotional as well. They live their life as they please, without a care about what others might think.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Aries ♈︎

Aries might seem like an acquired taste. Maybe it’s because of their harsh facial features and manners that are sometimes no less harsh. However, Aries are extremely attractive and have that something that will make you remember them.

Aries people have the tendency to be workaholics and put too much time and effort into their work. But make no mistake; they will always find some time to take care of what they eat and how they look. Their impulsiveness is a great attention magnet and vivid appearance makes them stand out in a crowd.

Aries women

If you fell in love with an Aries woman, get ready for a bumpy but extremely fun ride. They are absolutely worth it, though. Aries women are very confident about their looks. Even if there are flaws (adn let’s be honest; who doesn’t have them?), they manage to hide them. These women love to show off their vivid personality, well-groomed appearance, and confidence in their own sex appeal.

An Aries woman can never resist glancing at her own reflection when they walk past a mirror. They might come across as vain but they have every reason to be. They are the women who look great at any age.

They are unconventional, whimsical, they have a lot of energy and they can share this energy with people around them. They know how to use their charms so others have a hard time resisting their charisma.

Aries men

Aries men stand out among their peers thanks to young look and great physical shape that don’t change much with time. Their aging process is somewhat slowed down so they might be just as full of energy when they are forty as they were at twenty.

They tend to be rather careless when it comes to clothing and don’t care much about brand clothes or expensive accessories. That’s why they often have that rugged look that doesn’t spoil them in the slightest. Aries men come across as true machos any time, anywhere. Masculine, confident, brave, independent, passionate, and spontaneous, they have all it takes to win hearts. They are also young inside, fun-loving, and adventurous.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Pisces ♓︎

Pisces are true romantics swimming deep in their own fantasy and generously sharing their charming smiles with the entire world around them. Pisces seem to always want to live life to the max and chase perfection. So they will always find a way to look near to perfect, if not absolute perfection.

Mysterious, modest, sensitive, they attract people and charm them easily.

Pisces women

Pisces women are a very model of femininity. They are very romantic, they know how to use their charms but do it very non-aggressively. Their appearance is non-provocative and rather subtle which paradoxically makes it even more seductive.

These women possess some special kind of sex appeal that lures men into their nets. Their sophisticated taste and inherent pursuit for beauty in all its forms help them in that.

They are intelligent, clever, well-rounded ladies that always make a great company. They know how to present themselves and carry themselves in public. On the other hand, Pisces can be very sentimental and dreamy.

Sometimes they might seem rather cold and reserved, indifferent even. But in fact, they are very passionate by nature. They just don’t like to show it.

Pisces men

Pisces men take special care of their own appearance. They think every little thing through. They will hardly come across as rugged macho types; there’s rather a generous share of subtlety and sophistication. However, they don’t like a formality.

Emotion-driven, sensitive, intuitive, creative, caring, these men can be not only great lovers but also best friends. Their affection and romanticism are what wins women’s hearts. After all, they can sense the little things that many other men miss. They can make their partners feel important. They read body language with ease, so they easily understand what you want and need without any words.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Taurus
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn

Most beautiful zodiac signs

But what about others? Isn’t it unfair to single out four zodiac signs out of twelve? It totally is, and there is no denying that people can be attractive and absolutely charming no matter which sun sign they were born under.

So let’s look at other zodiac signs and all those many appealing features, both inside and outside, they’ve got.

Taurus ♉︎

More often than not Taurians won’t strike you as the most beautiful people ever. However, they have that light that comes from within and makes them incredibly attractive. Taurus people are good-natured, life-loving and their positive energy are contagious. It makes people want to be around them. They just radiate charisma. And that’s what makes them pretty in the eyes of others.

Taurus women

Everything about them radiates femininity. Usually, Taurian women are curvy ladies who have a tendency to corpulence, which they are not shy about in the slightest. They are charming, graceful, with a magnetic gaze that attracts so many.

In their company, there’s always something to talk about. They are smart, they are intelligent, they can hold your attention for a very long time.

The first thing about them that attracts others is their deceptive gentleness. Later they might understand that there are incredibly strong will power and nerves of steel behind this complaisance. And this will never scare a Taurus woman partner away because they will always remain the most feminine and beautiful in their eyes.

Taurus men

Taurian men are strong, reliable, and calm. With these men what you see is exactly what you get. They are confident and strong-willed enough to make their partners feel absolutely secure around them.

Even if they don’t have that attractive six-pack, Taurus men are usually quite physically attractive. They are usually tall and handsome and like to stay in good physical shape. But even if they are not conventionally pretty, they make up for it using their manly charisma.

Wherever a Taurus man is, there are always interested women around. And these men are very aware of their sex appeal and desirability, even though they sometimes have low self-esteem.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Gemini ♊︎

Gemini is probably the most fun and sociable sign on the zodiac wheel. People find them very attractive because they have this powerful positive energy inside them. They easily get along with people and just as easily win hearts.

Their beauty comes from their complex character. It’s near to impossible to find a Gemini who is focused on a single goal, consistent and not self-contradictory at all. Gemini people are fickle but always extremely intriguing. They can get deeply philosophical at one moment and childishly mischievous at another.

Gemini women

Gemini women have many faces. They can change so rapidly you’ll find it almost impossible to keep up with them. Today they might try on the image of a femme fatale and break your heart and tomorrow they will be modesty and simplicity incarnate. It depends on what kind of role they choose at this particular moment and which one matches their disposition at the moment.

Their beauty might be unconventional, not uniquely defined. Some might worship them like goddesses and others won’t pay much attention. But one thing that’s undeniable is their command over their body language. Sometimes the way they move and gesture can be incredibly attractive and erotic.

Gemini men

Gemini men are attractive not so many thanks to good looks as their ability to present themselves, advertise their talents, and hide their flaws. Because of this many women see Gemini men as extremely handsome even if there’s not much physical beauty to talk about. After all, in their case, it’s not about the symmetry of facial features or good physical shape. It’s about the vibes they spread around them. Gemini can’t always control this special gift of theirs, so sometimes their path is strewn with the shards of broken hearts.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Aquarius

Cancer ♋︎

Cancers are usually quite happy in love. They can find the person they need fast because they know well what exactly they want in a relationship. They are sensitive and caring, and deeply emotional. They are givers who can offer a great deal to their partners and never give up easily.

Cancers are rarely the owners of a particularly conspicuous appearance. Their kind of beauty is subdued and sweet rather than flashy and eye-catching. Unlike the other zodiac signs, they don’t like to be in the spotlight but they still manage to attract the attention of those who are just right for them.

Cancer women

The beauty of a Cancer woman will hardly hit the eye. It’s the kind of beauty you have to feel, realize, and understand. But those who can do it would never want anything else, however vivid and eye-catching. Cancer women combine the traits of a loving and caring mother, devoted partner, and mistress of the house. They are the kind of women you want to go back to, always.

They might not blow your mind with flashy looks but they will give you their warmth and calm smiles and the feeling of peace and security that come with their gentle, unassuming manners.

Cancer men

Cancer men can easily attract the attention of many women. They are reserved, polite, and classy. Many women find these traits much sexier than showing off a jacked body. Cancers, however, appreciate traditional values and the one and only woman they choose as their partner.
They are well-mannered, considerate, and sensitive. Thanks to this sensitivity and great emotional capability, they understand women very well and gain their affection just by looking and talking to them.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio

Virgo ♍︎

Virgos are the wisest of all zodiac signs and maybe that’s why their partners feel comfortable in long-term relationships with them. They are smart and sometimes a bit too strict and boring. But even that doesn’t prevent them from being one of the prettiest zodiac signs out there. They have an impeccable sense of style and always take good care of their looks. Virgos are those people who will try to brush the invisible specks of dust off their clothes to look perfect.

At the same time, Virgos are just another proof of the fact that beauty is not just about physical appearance. They can charm others by being mysterious, flirting masterfully, and intriguing. They have tons of charisma and know how to attract the attention of people around them.

Virgo women

Virgo women are self-made beauties. They might not be born conventionally beautiful but those who know them rarely notice that. They can present themselves in a way that leaves no doubts: you are extremely lucky to be around a woman so attractive and charming as a Virgo.

They take good and thorough care of the way they look. And considering the fact that they possess an impeccable taste and style, they are always nice to look at.

These women know how to attract attention and they know how to keep it.

Virgo men

A typical Virgo man is a man who is into constant self-improvement. They like to analyze everything that happens in their inner world and they are always ready to help their partners. They are a kind of your personal shrink who will always help you to cope with your fears and insecurities.

Despite the fact that these men are quite reserved by nature, it never stands in the way to charming a woman and building a happy and healthy relationship. They are usually not too emotional, which sometimes makes them mysterious and tickles curiosity.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Taurus
  • Cancer
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn

Libra ♎︎

Librans might not have that flawless sense of style but stars and planets endow them with powerful charisma and a great deal of inner energy they easily share with others. Librans are a quintessence of beauty in many forms. They are kind and sympathetic people full of love for life.

When it comes to physical beauty they are up there with the champions. Interestingly enough, they don’t even have to invest a lot of time and effort to look good. Sure, you can’t disregard genetics, lifestyle, and other factors affecting physical appearance, but Libras still manage to be on the top in terms of conventional attractiveness.

Libra women

These women are incredibly charming. They usually have that special demeanor that attracts the attention of all people around them. Expressive face, lovely body, beautiful hands – it seems like mother nature did a great job in this case.

Curiously enough, it sometimes seems like they are embarrassed or scared of their own beauty and tries to hide it. However, as soon as they understand they do themselves no favors, they can easily return to their former splendor.

What’s more, Libra women are very artistic, which helps them to take their place very close to this ranking’s leaders.

Libra men

These men have physical beauty to make Greed gods jealous. Curiously, they have inner beauty to boot. They are smart, gifted, have a sophisticated taste, and high-level aesthetic sensitivity. Sure, all this also makes them rather picky when it comes to choosing a partner. Their women must be a great match for them and to be very beautiful too. But whoever they choose will be rewarded tenfold.

It matters to them a great deal of what kind of impression they make on people. Libra men will always do their best to win your sympathies and make you enjoy every moment you spend with them. To them, being useful is extremely important. More often than not, they succeed in that: people become genuinely attached to them.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius

Sagittarius ♐︎

Sagittarians know how to make a good impression on people, so they usually have no problem charming them. They would probably be among the four leaders if they weren’t so fickle.

They have fun, engaging personalities. Explorers and philosophers by nature, they are interested in new experiences, places, information. They are incredibly spontaneous and hate everything that can potentially limit their freedom and ability to learn and grow. Straightforward and confident, they are always genuine and objective.

Sagittarius women

These women can be so different. Sometimes rough around the edges, even harsh, they aren’t always conventionally beautiful. And still, they attract a lot of attention both from men and women. People tend to forgive them for the things they would never forgive others for. Maybe it’s all about their powerful charisma and generous nature, their ability to engage and entertain. These are these ladies’ strengths, after all.

However, it would be wrong to say that these women are not very physically attractive. More often than not, Sagittarian ladies are wonderfully beautiful, especially if they invest some effort in looking good. It’s just that they don’t make that investment all too often. But if they set a goal of conquering someone’s heart, you can’t help but notice them and be charmed by them.

Sagittarius men

These men are strong, vivid, and confident. They are respectable-looking, usually, in the great physical shape that they can’t hide even under baggy clothing.

It’s almost impossible to ignore them; they will easily conquer you with their charming smiles, cleverness, and integrity. It’s hard to be angry with them: Sagittarius men are very straightforward and have no problem saying exactly what they think.

They are irresistible during a conversation; they know a lot and are happy to share what they know to keep you interested. They know how to win your attention and they do it naturally and effortlessly. Everything they do, they do with a lot of passion.

It’s really hard to resist these charismatic, attractive men, especially if they use their powerful sex appeal to their advantage.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Capricorn ♑︎

Capricorns are not the easiest people to get along with. They lack openness and flexibility and sometimes people around them find it hard to break through this wall of strictness and conservative manners. This might mean that their circle of friends and acquaintances is smaller than that of some more extroverted zodiac signs out there. But it doesn’t mean that Capricorns don’t have their own way to get people interested.

They are practical, careful people with a strong sense of responsibility. They plan everything to the smallest detail to avoid unnecessary risks. They prefer long-term relationships and not one night stands, so they don’t tend to be very flirty. They just appreciate loyalty and stability above all.

Capricorn women

Capricorn ladies have that kind of beauty that doesn’t fit into the framework of traditional beauty standards. They call it an acquired taste, as a rule. But it doesn’t seem to bother these women all that much. They rarely care about what others think about them. They are just too purposeful to pay attention to small things like someone’s opinions about what they look like. Capricorn women place their priorities elsewhere.

At the same time, they manage to create their own unique style, their own kind of elegance. So it often happens that their seemingly careless attitude to their own appearance becomes a new hot trend. Other ladies often imitate them because everything a Capricorn lady wears, she wears with style and glamor. So when they win your attention and affection, it’s not thanks to a pretty face but thanks to their awesome personality traits and ability to present themselves.

Capricorn men

Capricorn men don’t normally show the desire to communicate with the world around them more than necessary. They are reserved and calm and don’t usually stand out in a crowd. They are serious and strong-willed men who prefer moderation in everything. This certainly reflects on the way they look.

A Capricorn man might have a perfect poker face but there are ambition and vanity under the calm facade. And they usually get what they want, if they want it badly.

Modest, practical, and disciplined, Capricorn gentlemen open their sexy and fun side only to those closest to them. There are no men more attractive if stability and security are what you need in life.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Taurus
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Pisces

Aquarius ♒︎

Aquarius people are probably the most jealousy-prone zodiac signs. They are quite confident but from time to time, for reasons they themselves don’t know, they try to control their partners. This understandably scares their partners away, especially in the early stages of relationships.

And still, you’ll be hard-pressed to find their equal in terms of the ability to feel and understand others. Their talent for emphasizing with others and sharing their own emotional state with others is truly impressive. No matter what kind of people they attract, these people are convinced their Aquarius friends are irreplaceable.

They don’t exactly shine in terms of physical attractiveness but they have this biomagnetism that makes them graceful and charming, almost catlike. At moments like these, they start to shine. Once you fall in love with an Aquarius, they will stay in your heart forever.

Aquarius women

There is absolutely no doubt about how beautiful these ladies are. And it’s not just surface-deep either. They have the light inside them that shines through whenever they smile or talk, or just look at you. Aquarian women are rarely skinny but their curves are so seductive men happily disregard all the extra pounds.

They have beautiful skin. Unsurprisingly, they take good care of it and are very proud of it. The desire to touch them, feel them is almost irresistible. Sometimes that’s too bad because Aquarian ladies are extremely picky when it comes to choosing a partner, even haughty, so they won’t pay attention to just anybody. Still, forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest, as they say, so they never experience any lack of admirers. Aquarius women are like artwork many would like to get for their collection.

Aquarius men

Aquarian men are not just pretty faces chased by crowds of women. They are masculinity and handsomeness incarnate, the timeless kind that was and will be attractive no matter what the current standards dictate. More often than not, nature gifts these men with enviable looks and passionate disposition.

It‘s not the only reason it’s hard to take your eyes away from them. They also possess powerful energy that radiates magnetism. Kindness, loyalty, reliability are the main traits of these men.

This amazing set of traits makes Aquarian men the most desirable partners, lovers, and spouses. They, however, don’t hurry to open up their hearts.

Best zodiac matches:

  • Aries
  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius
  • Aquarius


We all know that appearance isn’t always the defining criterion of attractiveness. Yes, looks are the first thing you notice but you stay only for those traits that endear a person to you. These traits are unique for each one of us, so it’s absolutely natural that each person is pretty in their own way.

The bottom line is when it comes to pretty, there are no winners or losers on the zodiac wheel. You can be pretty whenever you want, you just have to really want it.

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