October 2022 horoscope: What this month has in store for your zodiac sign


October is full of surprises, fast shifts, and Soul growth. There can be breakups, breakdowns, and breakthroughs during which the second Eclipse Portal of the year opens.

Let’s see in more detail the Astrology of October 2022 for each zodiac sign :star2:

♈ Aries


Birth dates
March 21 – April 20

Your October motto is: ‘Better safe than sorry.’ Don’t try to get what you want using pressure. Instead, be patient & understand those who surround you. Use your mind wisely, and you won’t be let down.

Money & Career

Aries, especially those born in April, may have a challenging period regarding business. Now it’s better to minimize contacts with seniors & leads. If possible, we recommend you postpone any requests to official organizations until next month. You may face severe obstacles on your way. Problems will be caused by any minor misconceptions due to Mercury Opposite Sun Transit in your natal chart. In the first three weeks of the month, the possibility of conflicts with colleagues increases. After that, however, you will find common ground with your companions & turn any situation in your favor by simply conquering your temper & pride. 

Love & Relations

Your relationship now requires special attention. Your partner will expect your understanding & kindness. Try to learn to listen & most importantly, to hear. This will help to avoid any grievances and omissions. Aries who don’t have a partner can find themselves in an affair but don’t take this fling too seriously. Most likely, it won’t grow into a relationship.


In the first half of October, you will significantly increase your ability to work, feeling full of energy & ready for new achievements. Plan your activities for this period, as you may be crushed by tiredness and a bad mood from the second half of the month. Allow yourself to de-stress and rest more closer to the end of October. 

♉ Taurus


Birth dates
April 21 – May 20

October is about to be wildly successful for you, love-wise. But in terms of finance, you will have to be more cautious.

Money & Career

The beginning of October won’t bring any significant changes to your career. However, you will be able to find a successful solution to business issues with your female co-workers’ help during the second half of the month. It’s a great time to solve real estate issues. April-born Taurus’ may face unexpected expenses by the end of the month. Therefore, keep an eye on your budget and try not to overdraft your bank accounts, as it will be pretty challenging to borrow money during this time.

Love & Relations

Your successful love period starts on October 15 and lasts till the end of the month. Now you can bring warmth & peace to your relations. Spend more time with your loved ones, plan romantic dates and family holidays. April-born Tauruses may face a feeling of self-doubt by the end of October. Still, at this time, you will be as attractive as possible to everyone around you. Don’t miss your chance to start dating someone you like.


You will feel great throughout the month, especially by its end. So consider dedicating October to outdoor activities. Start exercising if you have been planning and postponing it for a long time. Now you have all the resources to improve your life with the help of sports.

♊ Gemini


Birth dates
May 21 – June 21

Due to the influence of Mars, quite an active month awaits you in all life spheres. But don’t worry, you will have more than enough energy to deal with everything!

Money & Career

This month your Sun is connecting to Mars, planet of activity & pressure. This factor will provide you with a ton of energy to successfully solve most business issues. Still, keep in mind that you may make bad decisions. If earlier you didn’t know how to implement your plans & ideas, now is the time to take everything into your hands & start acting. Although, in a team, you can be overcome by the spirit of rivalry, try to make it a healthy competition, not a battle. By the way, it’s a great time for solving financial problems, investing, and doing risky operations.

Love & Relations

October promises to be quite successful and eventful if it comes to love. Under the influence of Venus – the planet of romance, you will find yourself being extra attractive. During this period, you will receive tons of compliments & gifts. It’s an excellent time to get married or engaged.

Geminis, born in mid-June, your impulsive actions can destroy what has been built over the years. Try to control your emotions & words. Those – born in May and early June will now be able to strengthen their relations & improve interaction.


October is a great time for cosmetic procedures and operations. Start a course of treatment if it’s relevant to you. Be careful when using piercing, cutting objects, and fire if you were born mid-June. You also have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, so take care and pay attention to your well-being.

♋ Cancer


Birth dates
June 22 – July 22

You are about to face strength tests during this month, but you will cope with all the difficulties by simply managing to control your emotions. 

Money & Career

Mercury, the planet responsible for thinking, will negatively impact you, making you forgetful & distracted. Try to postpone work that requires accuracy and intellectual effort to avoid mistakes. Avoid signing important documents and be careful with accounting. No the best time for gambling & risky financial trades. Show your financial responsibility, or unexpected expenses shall await you.

Love & Relations

Your mood swings, along with extreme vulnerability, can harm your relationships. Avoid taking things personally and try not to be offended by little things. Instead, dialogue constructively, as this will help you find compromises. The probability of confrontations is exceptionally high for those born in July.


You may become more sensitive and emotional than usual during October. The nervous system is your weak point this month. To avoid trouble, practice meditation and breathing techniques, spend more time outside & create a daily routine. It’s better to delay cosmetic procedures and operations, as they may not bring you the expected results.

♌ Leo


Birth dates
July 23 – August 23

October will be successful for you in love, but you should be careful and systematic when it comes to business.

Money & Career

Leos, especially those born in July, should await sudden expenses closer to the end of October. Plan your budget in advance, avoid gambling, and postpone important & risky financial transactions till next month. Try to lower your pride & selfishness while interacting with colleagues. Now, these qualities can prevent you from achieving your goals.

Love & Relations

A good time for dates & romantic meetings comes in the first half of the month. Dedicate this time to your family and loved ones. Now, this is especially important, as a more difficult period in which you can get stuck in conflicts will come by the end of October. This will be especially valid for July-born Leos.


The beginning of the month will bring you a lot of energy, the ability to work, and overall activity. This is a great time to start a course of treatment, wellness procedures, and sports events. Although your activity will decrease at the end of the month, you may feel nervousness & your chronic diseases may remind you of themselves. Take care and don’t forget to rest.

♍ Virgo


Birth dates
August 24 – September 23

October has prepared some movement in the business sphere along with a constancy test in love affairs.

Money & Career

In October, you can feel the strong influence of Mars, which is an aggressive and active planet, so you will possibly become more assertive & active business-wise. The desire for competition & the urge to be the first will significantly increase. Beware of your selfishness and avoid conflicts; it won’t benefit your career. This will especially touch those born in mid-September.

Love & Relations

In the first half of the month, you may face disagreements, arguments, and conflicts over the most minor things. For some couples, this will be a certain test, but you will go through this period easily if there’s enough warmth & sincerity between you & your partner. Those born in mid-September can behave aggressively or hog the covers. You need to be more patient & learn to look for compromises while avoiding unnecessary emotions.


You may be overcome by drowsiness, loss of energy, and poor mood during the first half of the month. Allow yourself to rest & try treating yourself. Your state will improve by the second half of October, and you will return to normal.

♎ Libra


Birth dates
September 24 – October 23

Happy birthday, dear October-born Libras! Spend this month designing a comfortable being for the upcoming year.

Money & Career

This month, those born from September 23 to 26 should take a little break from business trips & cooperation with foreign partners. Excessive optimism can now negatively affect your career. For those born from October 11 to 16, the month promises to be successful in business, conclude new contracts & deals, and start new projects, as your companions & colleagues will support you. All others will feel more strength along with new ideas. Now is a great time to travel, make new business contacts, and learn.

Love & Relations

In October, your Sun connects with Venus, a planet of beauty, love, and harmony. This aspect promises to bring a promising love period for all sign representatives – single & those who have already found their soulmate. It’s an excellent time to take relationships to a new level, for example, by proposing or getting married. Mercury, a planet of communications, will also influence you by bringing mutual understanding to your relations. Now is the best time to talk face-to-face & resolve even the most long-standing conflicts.


October is quite successful for wellness, invasive procedures, treatments & cosmetology. In addition, it’s the right time to conceive a child. In October, your state and well-being will reflect how you took care of your body over the past year. So if you feel sick on your birthday, try to pay more attention to your health in the future.

♏ Scorpio


Birth dates
October 24 – November 22

Happy birthday, early Scorpios! It’s the start of your personal new year, a time when you can change your life & finally get whatever you want.

Money & Career

October is about to be successful regarding all new beginnings. You will feel increased creative energy, ambition, and desire for high societal status. Don’t miss this period. Use it to implement long-standing plans & dreams of yours. October-born Scorpios will have a chance to perform in public & demonstrate themselves in all glory. It’s a good time for purchases and investments. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need financial support; you will definitely get it.

Love & Relations

October promises to be quite prosperous, love-wise. You will find romantic dates, meetings, or even a vacation with loved ones. Single Scorpios can now easily meet new people. Those who were born in October may soon propose or get proposed. So strengthen your relations, go on a date, visit the theater or an exhibition.


This month, health won’t let you down. You will be full of strength and energy throughout the month. You can even end up pregnant if that’s what you’ve been planning for a while. Your main goal is to avoid abusing alcohol & other substances, especially on your birthday, as on this day, you are programming your body for the next 12 months. By the way, don’t forget to use our personalized 2023 forecast if you want to find out how to use Solar to your advantage.

♐ Sagittarius


Birth dates
November 23 – December 21

Get ready for the active month. It will be nearly impossible to sit still during October, so taking a break and analyzing what is happening will be important. Don’t let your emotions take over your mind.

Money & Career

This month you definitely will feel the influence of Mars, an active yet quite militant planet. This aspect usually brings a spirit of rivalry along with battles & conflicts of interest to a work environment. Now you should avoid negotiations, as they won’t be constructive at all. It’s better to postpone settling financial issues until next month, except for those that need to be resolved urgently.

Love & Relations

Your emotionality is about to be significantly increased in October. You can find yourself overreacting to every word & action, which will lead to misunderstandings with your significant other. Those born from December 13 to 17 will feel especially tested in their relations. For example, you may have disagreements regarding financial subjects or other minor things that were never an issue. Remember that aggression isn’t gonna make it better. Try to understand your loved ones & avoid conflicts.


You may find yourself in a state of depression & anxiety during the first weeks of October. Take a moment for your mental health, try to do what you love, and look for activities that calm you down. Be careful while operating with piercing or cutting objects, fire, and household chemicals.

♑ Capricorn


Birth dates
December 22 – January 20

October promises to be quite tense, but you will cope with everything on your way. Your main assignment is to simply stay calm!

Money & Career

In October, Mercury, a planet responsible for communication and mental activity, will negatively influence your Sun, leading to decreased concentration, distraction, and memory issues. I advise you to postpone negotiations, signing documents, financial transactions, etc. The risk of making mistakes & ruining your reputation is exceptionally high. Conflicts with colleagues are likely to take place at the beginning & middle of the month. Avoid gambling and plan your budget, to avoid unexpected expenses.

Love & Relations

You may expect some misunderstandings due to Mercury’s influence. Try to stop arguing over things & show your loved ones how special they are to you. Now it’s crucial to uncover your sensitive side to your partner, listen to their desires, and look for things that will help you find common ground. This is the only way for you to go through a difficult period without losing your tenderness.


You may be disturbed by headaches & anxiety at the beginning of the month. Now is the time to learn to relax and afford more rest. Spend more time outdoors, be attentive to your body. If you feel something is wrong – don’t ignore it and talk with your doctor.

♒ Aquarius


Birth dates
January 21 – February 20

October will be very successful for you! You will have a lot of energy & more importantly – new opportunities.

Money & Career

You might face conflicts at work if you were born from January 20 to 27, especially with the opposite sex. Positive Marsian influence will bring determination and activity in business matters to those born from February 9 to 13. You will be able to get recognition from your superiors along with the team’s support. Now is the right time to close deals & sign contracts. It’s genuinely a good time for public activities, new projects, negotiations, & official meetings for all other sign representatives.

Love & Relations

At the beginning and middle of the month, the planet of love, Venus, will be on your side. If you still haven’t found the love of your life, look around. Maybe it’s already somewhere there. Don’t miss the opportunity to go out and make new acquaintances. Aquarius who are already in a relationship will be able to improve the contact inside a couple. Spending more time together and going on romantic trips, walks & picnics will add more love and understanding to your relations.


You will look more attractive during October, and health problems won’t bother you at all. It’s a good time for cosmetic procedures, invasive operations, and treatments. Use your increased energy to play sports and strengthen your body. You won’t regret it.

♓ Pisces


Birth dates
February 21 – March 20

October will bring you good luck in love & business, and your health won’t disappoint you. So take this chance and make your dreams come true!

Money & Career

Those born in February will feel a surge of creative energy closer to the end of October. You will be able to successfully implement long-planned plans & ideas. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; you will be heard now. If you were born from March 12 to 17, you will feel the intense Marsian influence, which may lead to conflicts & unhealthy competition at work. A month promises to be rich in support, unexpected profits, and successful deals for all other sign representatives. Legal issues will be resolved in your favor.

Love & Relations

Venus will bring love and harmony to your existing relationships. It’s a good time to start going on dates. You will receive tons of compliments and gifts. Those born in mid-March may feel a little tense; you should try to be more attentive to your significant other. Your sexual activity will significantly increase by the month’s end, so it’ll be a good time to show your love & spend more time together.


You may feel typical autumn depressive symptoms such as drowsiness, tiredness, and a bad mood in the first half of the month. Emotional instability can affect the whole body, so save your energy & look for joy. However, you will be back on track, feeling the harmony by the end of October. If you’ve planned treatments or beauty-related procedures, the end of the month will be the perfect time to do them.

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