Astrology Houses, Explained

Once you get interested in astrology, you discover what a bottomless well of knowledge it is. Just so you know, by astrology I mean more than daily horoscopes. Many people who have heard of astrology have probably also heard words like “natal chart” or “astrology houses”, but not all of them know what they mean. This article is to fill that gap.

So what is a natal chart (they also call it a personal horoscope) really mean? It’s a spatiotemporal map, a chart of the starscape at the moment of a person’s birth. It’s formed based on the positions of planets that affect your fate, your future, and your past.

When astrologers analyze a personal horoscope, the first of all pay attention to the positions of the planets in zodiac signs. These positions will be unique for every person and based on them, you can draw certain conclusions as to their character and main motivations. Of course, those who are born on the same day often have common traits and motivations. But their life events and their fates can differ dramatically. That’s what the system that we call astrology houses is for: identifying unique traits and determining the most important events in a person’s life

Similar to the sun signs, every personal horoscope includes twelve houses. Each house represents an area of life. The way the system of the houses is laid out largely depends on the time and the place of birth. This is why people who were born on the same day but at different times and places will have major differences in their fates. Thanks to the astrology houses, it’s possible to determine whether a person in question has a disposition towards multiple marriages, divorces, childlessness. Or if there is a chance they start a business of their own or will have real estate issues. This, of course, is just an example, because this way you can determine so much more.

Positions of the planets in houses are no less important than the positions of the planets in sun signs. If one of the houses has three or more planets in it, the area of life represented by this house will be crucially important in the life of a horoscope owner.

Sure, this might sound hazy and confusing but trust me, it gets much easier to understand after you learn more about the houses and their specifics. So let’s dive right in, shall we?

What are the houses in astrology?

houses in astrology
If you look at a natal chart, you’ll see that it’s divided into 12 sectors for each one of the sun signs. But apart from that, there are also 12 sectors that represent astrology houses. It’s worth noting that the sectors of zodiac signs and houses are not always equal in size. The size of a house sector depends on the coordinates of the place and time of birth. This means that the position of houses is pretty much unique for every person.

These houses account for the events in a person’s life and their reading. This is important because a personal horoscope that doesn’t take the houses into account is a cosmogram. And reading a cosmogram you will hardly see anything but a person’s psychological portrait.

Houses and the planets positioned in them show the areas of life will offer the most significant, life-changing lessons and events. So the houses are all the different life spheres in their complexity, combined.

The fact that there is no single uniform system of houses in astrology makes things a little bit complicated. There are time-based systems and space-based systems but the systems most commonly used now are the time-based Placidus and Koch systems of astrology houses. However, at the end of the day, the choice of the system is entirely an astrologer’s choice.

Types of houses

As a rule, astrology groups the houses by two or three. These groups have a special meaning that helps an astrologer to understand the complete picture of connections between the houses and a person’s life.

  1. Angular houses – the houses at the “corners” of the chart – first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses. Planets positioned in these houses indicate that a horoscope owner will reach a certain amount of success in some activity or other.
  2. Succedent houses – second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh houses. Planets positioned here indicate a person’s consistency, willpower, and determination.
  3. Cadent houses – third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses. The planets in these houses indicate active thinking and readiness to share ideas.

The order of the 12 houses

First off, I’d like to note that explaining astrology houses and what they are all about making a lot more sense if you have your natal chart before you. It’s just the way the human mind works: if you’ve got a visual representation of what you are learning in front of your eyes, new knowledge stays with you for a long time.

In case you don’t have a natal chart yet, consider using one of the many online services to get one. is one of them, and it makes the process fast and easy.

So now that you have your natal chart, you can see the outer circle of twelve sectors with zodiac signs and inner circle of twelve sectors of astrological houses. Each house sector is 30⁰ (in general, 360⁰).

The line that separates the first and the twelve houses are called the Ascendant. It’s a starting point of the astrological chart. The line that signifies the beginning of each house is called a house cusp. It can be positioned at any angle in a zodiac sign sector.

In fact, the starting point of the astrological houses does not align with the starting point of the sun signs, so one house can include two zodiac signs that come one after another.

It’s worth noting that every person’s natal chart can begin with any zodiac sign, not just Aries. So any house can include any of the twelve zodiac signs.

How planets and signs work together

Planets In Astrology
As a rule, the position of zodiac signs is determined by the position of the Sun. It’s the Sun that makes our appearance features and character traits to become most evident. But it also happens that some traits and features are less noticeable or there are other ones that come to light instead. What’s this all about? Well, the thing is apart from zodiac signs that determine certain traits we also have a ruling planet (and some of us, two ruling planets). And the characteristics peculiar to these planets might contradict those of the Sun, to the point the latter become less pronounced.

Interaction of signs and planets and their meaning

Zodiac stands still but life is ever moving and ever-changing. This activity is represented by planets that visit each sign in turn as they move over the star sky. This is why it’s so important to know what ruling planets each of the signs has and what they mean.

As soon as a planet moves into a zodiac sector, the characteristics of the planet and the zodiac sign enter into interaction. A ruling planet will be the strongest because it’s at home. What’s more, its influence will also depend on its position on the planet hierarchy. For example, Pluto will manifest well in Pisces but it will become the strongest in Sagittarius. All in all, there are 10 ruling planets that influence the way your fate forms.

Characteristics of a zodiac sign and its ruling planet bear great similarity. It’s important to remember what planets rule each of the signs because it underpins all of the astrology:

  • Aries – Mars
  • Taurus – Venus
  • Gemini – Mercury
  • Cancer – Moon
  • Leo – Sun
  • Virgo – Mercury
  • Libra – Venus
  • Scorpio – Pluto and Mars
  • Sagittarius – Jupiter
  • Capricorn – Saturn
  • Aquarius – Uranus and Saturn
  • Pisces – Neptune and Jupiter
SunLife energy and revival. Ability to control yourself and others.
MoonEmotional and mental depth, knowledge of secret and hidden thoughts, withdrawal into your own self.
MarsBelligerency, courage, daring.
MercuryShrewdness, thinking ahead.
VenusLove, craving for beauty, the creative impulse, artistry.
JupiterFocus on inner spirituality and external expansion.
SaturnControl, perseverance, restrictions, law.
UranusChanges, revolution, the collapse of stereotypes.
NeptuneDaydreaming, illusions.
PlutoDictatorship, the temptation to power and suppressi

Strength of the planets

When they enter the zodiac signs, the planets manifest their characteristics with varied strengths. It depends on how well these characteristics combine with the characteristics of zodiac signs and on the place of the planets in the hierarchy. There are seven levels of the planet strength:

  1. Rule.When a ruling planet enters the sign it rules, it shows the greatest strength. Just like a mistress of the house, it will manifest its characteristics freely and vividly.
  2. Exaltation.The strength of the planet is only second to a ruler planet. The planet isn’t in perfect harmony with the sign. Some characteristics manifest stronger than others.
  3. Friendship.Planet strength is moderate.
  4. Neutrality.The planet won’t face either support or opposition from the zodiac sign. Only the Sun and the Moon can be neutral.
  5. Enmity.Planet faces discomfort and has difficulty manifesting its characteristics.
  6. Fall.Planet’s characteristics manifest weakly.
  7. Exile.Planet faces the greatest opposition. More often than not its characteristics manifestation is distorted.

Hidden values mean that the planet’s characteristics manifest strongly but on a more spiritual level. Only the planets at the top of the hierarchy can have hidden values.

UranusEnmityFallFriendship Exile
Exile Friendship
FriendshipExaltationEnmity Rule
Rule Enmity
Neptune Friendship
Enmity Exile
FriendshipExaltationExileFriendship Rule
Pluto Rule
Exile Enmity
FriendshipFallEnmity Exile
Rule Friendship

The twelve houses, explained

Zodiac signs symbolize the potential every person has. Astrology houses show how this potential manifests itself and in which spheres of life. It’s the houses that give us information on how, when and to what extent will a person’s traits show themselves. It’s the houses that show a person’s life in a society, what life makes them be. They show acquired skills, habits, goals our lives set before, and methods we will use to achieve them.

The 1st House: self, self-awareness, self-expression

lady in a hat

The first house is the most personal and important one. It reflects your own self: manners, style, character, temper. It’s the house of behavior, one’s likes and dislikes. The first house shows how you present yourself to others and what they see in you. It often determines your physical features, especially those of head and face. Sometimes it’s called the house of personal interests because it determines what you want to get from life and which methods you use to get there. The point where the first house begins on the natal chart is of the greatest importance because it determines the position of all other houses. Astrologers use the first house as a magnifying glass through which they study and interpret the rest of the personal horoscope.

Ascendant, the beginning of the first house, can be compared to a mask one wears to show the world. Many people take their masks off and let others see their true selves only when they feel secure and confident enough. Some people identify themselves with their masks so strongly they suppress their true nature. As a result, the first house is often about hiding your true personality. The planets positioned in this house can tell a lot about this personality.

The first house relates to Mars and Aries, it reveals one’s individuality and acts as a proxy between the personality and the world around. Signs and planets in this house point out the best way to prove yourself and realize the uniqueness of your personality. One simply can’t feel whole until they develop these qualities.

The planets in this house symbolize the source of the basic personality traits. It’s the part of your self that communicates with others. In this regard, the first house is the picture of your own self, of the image people around you, see when they look at you. This doesn’t mean that this image isn’t you. Much rather, it’s only a part of you, the part others can see.

Basic characteristics:

  • appearance;
  • physique and complexion;
  • manners;
  • temper;
  • character;
  • type of self-expression;
  • self-perception.
Positive side:

  • The best way to express your unique individuality.

Negative side:

  • Suppression of your true self.

The 2nd House: ownership, business acumen, self-worth

The second house of the natal chart shows what a person appreciates about themselves and what they hope to get by developing their abilities and talents. It shines the light on those needs that form our attitude to money and property. What do you need money for: to be free or satisfy your need for security? The values are extremely important because that’s what people base their lives on. As soon as values change, world perception changes dramatically.

The second house relates to the sun sign of Taurus and planet Venus. It shows what one values most of all in the material world. These values can change depending on the planets positioned in this house. For example, the Moon in Taurus in the second house would mean a sense of security and a hefty amount of money on a bank account. But Uranus in Sagittarius in the second house would mean property as a restricting factor.

Our perception of personality and the sense of stability is formed based on what we own, how we treat our own body, material status, relationships, children, religion, belief system. However, as we have to deal with certain external factors and influences, there is always a risk of losing all those things or their meaning. Maybe the true stability is in the part of our personality that remains standing no matter what, even if we lose something important. Something that we thought defined security and supported us.

Planets and signs in the second house symbolize natural skills and traits a person has to develop to get that sense of self-esteem. Planets mean a strong connection to what a person owns, reveal the true attitude to things and material values. Multiple planets positioned in the second house reflect the significance of the role of material interests in one’s life. The highest expression of the second house is the desire to create something that will be valued for years and probably will be passed on to descendants.

Basic characteristics:

  • resources;
  • property;
  • budget;
  • financial well-being;
  • cash;
  • source of income and expenses.
Positive side:

  • Inherent talents that enhance the feeling of self-worth.

Negative side:

  • The feeling of self-worth is based on external attachments.

The 3rd House – communication, kinship, exploration of the world.

The hird house of the natal chart is connected to those stages in life when a person feels the need to explore the environment around them. It’s triggered when a child starts crawling and then walking around and attempts to defend their independence. This house also symbolizes speech development and the ability to establish connections between separate phenomena. It’s the feeling of satisfaction you get from everything related to exploration and learning.

Traditionally, the third house is about concrete thinking whereas the house opposite to it, the ninth house is about abstract thinking. They are like two hemispheres of our brains that are responsible for different kinds of activities. The third house is connected to the left hemisphere and focuses on rational and logical thinking. It symbolizes the analytical mind that collects data and brings it together.

The planets positioned in the third house can tell how slow or how fast a person thinks and whether they use intuition or logic. This house relates to Gemini and Mercury and planets and signs in the third house show the attitude to knowledge. For example, Jupiter in Leo in the third house means easy communication with people and confidence in the soundness of one’s views. Mercury in Capricorn in the third house would mean more care in expressing opinions. Multiple planets positioned here would mean fickleness of opinion.

The position of signs and planets in this house point out the sphere of life where one has to interact with others the most, as well as the tendency to adopt certain agendas. Thew world around becomes an intriguing place if there is Venus. On the other hand, if Pluto is there, the world becomes frightening. Any signs and planets that come here help you understand how subconscious motives affect the perception of reality.

Relationships with siblings or neighbors are yet another area of life associated with the third house. Planets will show how you interact with your siblings and your attitude to them.

This house also symbolizes the school experience. Children have to deal with loads of information when at school and it largely defines their views and ideas in the future. What one has encountered during the school years will probably be reflected in the third house.

Basic characteristics:

  • siblings;
  • neighbors;
  • friends;
  • communication;
  • primary and secondary school experience;
  • short trips;
  • letters and paperwork;
  • intellect;
  • nervous system.
Positive side:

  • Eagerness to learn more about the world and explore its aspects.

Negative side:

  • Negative thinking defines the future perspective.

The 4th house – family, ancestry, the sense of security and belonging

The fourth house symbolizes the fundament of life and supports personality because here is where you get access to the most powerful factors that help to form your individuality.

It reflects roots, not just in terms of personality development but also in terms of relation to one’s family and nation. Even though the majority of this information is hidden in our subconscious, this house gives us a sense of belonging and understanding who we are and where our place in this world is.

The house symbolizes the place we go to when we want to hide from the world, the place that offers emotional support and help. Traditionally, the fourth house relates to the family. The influence of family and conditions one was raised in is also within the competence of this house. Family traditions and accumulated experience are its integral part.

There are two houses that symbolize parental influence, fourth and tenth. Because it relates to the sign of Cancer and the Moon, the fourth house traditionally relates to maternal influence and tenth to paternal. It’s worth noting that some astrologers have different opinions on this. But no matter which parent this house relates to, it’s important to know that the planets positioned in the fourth house show how one sees their parents and not how they truly are. People take their perception of their parents with them to adulthood and inevitably project it on others. If you know the source of these projections, you can analyze them and change something.

Studying the fourth house allows seeing the archetypes acquired in childhood and open the door to deep-laid needs and feelings. Mediation or therapy that helps to turn your eyes inward brings out the energy of the fourth house and make it easier to understand. Multiple planets in the fourth house might point out the strong need in seclusion. Traditionally, astrologers believe that the fourth house is responsible for the completion of all tasks.

Basic characteristics:

  • ancestry;
  • parental home;
  • personal home;
  • realty estate;
  • motherland;
  • family, mother or father;
  • subconscious;
  • beginning and end of life;
  • sex life (in a female horoscope).
Positive side:

  • The ability to find support within oneself and in the family.

Negative side:

  • Projecting unresolved childhood issues on others.

The 5th house – creative self-expression, revealing creative potential, love, children

The fifth house relates to self-expression and talents. If there are planets positioned in this house, they will show the style and manner in which one expresses themselves, the direction of the creative energy. Some people love handicraft, others find it boring. There are many kinds of creativity.

If there are no planets here, the zodiac signs acquire special meaning.

The fifth house relates to Leo and the Sun. It’s where the key to self-development and creative self-expression is. It symbolizes the desire to radiate one’s energy into the world just like Sun does and to feel oneself as a center of a personal universe. Some people might think that this house is all about seeking attention but being in the spotlight is everybody’s essential right.

This creative energy can be directed to various activities like sports, hobbies, games. It’s in the creative process itself and the joy of creation. Gambling and playing the stock market is within the competence of this house as well. They embody the aspiration for adventure and thrills. Hobbies allow us to pour our energy into something that inspires us and gives us joy. The planets and signs in the fifth house can tell a great deal about the way one spends their free time.

The fifth house is also about joy, romance, and love. Love is the most natural form of self-expression. When we love, we feel whole and experience happy excitement. Romantic dates make the sense of having been chosen stronger. We become the object of desire and can express our love for someone in return. Planets and signs in the fifth house show how one expresses their love and what kind of love they attract.

This house also relates to children. Creativity is the natural way of self-expression for them. Planets and signs in this house also show the attitude of a person to children.

Basic characteristics:

  • love;
  • eroticism;
  • relaxation;
  • entertainment;
  • games;
  • pleasures;
  • children;
  • passion and enthusiasm;
  • creativity;
  • art;
  • success;
  • fame.
Positive side:

  • The ability to express your true self through creativity and love.

Negative side:

  • Inability to love, blocking creative energy.

The 6th House – abilities, skills, habits, work, health, vocation

The sixth house is the last of the night houses, as astrologers call all houses situated below the line of the horizon. Because it comes right before the house of personal relationships, it prepares the basis for getting to know the outside world and interaction with other people. In a way, this house is also a continuation of the previous one. It reminds us that no matter how good our creative ideas may be, we have to put a lot of work to make them bring good results.

So the meaning of the sixth house is coming to terms with the reality and acting constructively.

The sixth house relates to Virgo and Mercury and is dedicated to relations between intrinsic motivations and outside reality. It symbolizes the connection between your mind and emotions on the one hand and your spirit and your body on the other. It includes such spheres as health and work that derive from this body-spirit connection. After all, there’s an obvious connection between one’s health and work: if one works too much, their health suffers and low activity decreases energy. Planets and signs in this house show one’s attitude to their health. This house is strongly associated with traditional and modern medicine.

Mind and body act as one whole: our thoughts and emotions affect our health and the state of our health affects our thoughts and emotions. This house gives you an opportunity to bring mind, body, and emotions to harmony and to understand the psychological causes of some illnesses.

The planets and signs in the sixth house influence the energy one invests in working on everyday tasks. Following a schedule helps to manage your time better and allows you to be more disciplined. In this context, the planets show one’s attitude to work, but not just professional responsibilities but also co-workers and interactions with them. The sixth house helps to establish the balance between everyday minutiae and something of a bigger scale. Otherwise, the balance between one’s mind and body will suffer as well.

Basic characteristics:

  • work;
  • everyday chores;
  • responsibilities;
  • subordinates;
  • pets;
  • health;
  • illnesses;
  • treatment;
  • debts.
Positive side:

  • The sense of well-being: physical, emotional, mental.

Negative side:

  • Negative thinking and criticism.

The 7th House – marriage, partnership, interactions and relationships with other people

The seventh house is traditionally considered as the house of partnership, marriage, and open confrontation. Although it’s true that planets in this house can tell about what one seeks in a partner, it’s not the only meaning it bears. The basis of relationships largely depends on signs and the planets. For example, Saturn in the seventh house will mean arranged or obligation-based marriage and Jupiter will tell about relationships that have a tendency to develop and expand.

The position of the planets and signs in the seventh house that relates to Libra and Venus show what one expects from relationships. It also shows what kind of qualities they value most of all in a partner.

One of the things the seventh house is pertinent to be untapped potential. If there something unperceived within, it will always find a reflection in the real world by the will of fate. If there’s something one doesn’t fully understand their personality, that’s something that attracts them in others. On a deeper level, the traits we are seeking for in a partner are something we don’t fully realize about ourselves. It’s a hidden side of personality one needs to explore to live a full life.

The seventh house is about us projecting qualities and traits on others. Positive ones we lack and negative ones we don’t like. If we react too emotionally to certain traits in others it means they remind us of something within ourselves. The seventh house is a mirror that reflects personality. If we suppress qualities we don’t like it’s not surprising we get annoyed by the similar qualities in others.

Sometimes people suppress even positive qualities and get attracted by similar ones in others. The best qualities we see in our partners complete us, create a sense of comfort, make us want to be around that person. But if you constantly spend your energy on the dependence on others, accumulated irritation might turn into open confrontation. That’s the controversial side of the seventh house. This house teaches us that the road to oneself lies through accepting others. Both successes and failures in personal relationships can tell us about ourselves more than about our partners.

Basic characteristics:

  • marriage;
  • open enmity;
  • competition;
  • agreements;
  • legal arguments.
Positive side:

  • The ability to have positive relationships.

Negative side:

  • Relationship issues.

The 8th House – passion, sexual desires and contacts, sense of unity with others

The eighth house is about death and rebirth. It symbolizes a sense of unity with others. Both on a mundane level (through common funds) and on emotional.

The planets in this house show what level of financial success one can reach in a marriage or partnership, what kind of inheritance they can get. They show the things we share with others, something that unites us with them. This house offers deep self-exploration allowing one to change and get rid of insecurities that hinder their growth.

The connection of the seventh house with death and intimacy is deeply symbolical. Deep relationships with others is a kind of death because we lose our individuality. Entering into intimate relationships, we die as a separate ego and become reborn as “Us”. This house is about change and transformation. It can become the source of renewed energy and personal stability. However, if you don’t depend on others and don’t build positive relationships, they can turn into a battlefield.

Relationships are a change catalyst. The eighth house shows how we become restored and cleansed when unresolved controversies of the past emerge. More often than not, they are connected with previous relationships, sometimes with our parents. For an infant, survival strongly depends on parents and family and many of us continue to project this notion on adult relationships. On an emotional level, the eighth house means the search for stability in close relationships.

This house relates to Scorpio and Pluto. The planets and signs positioned in the eighth house can tell a lot about the intimate side of relationships. When being intimate with others, we reveal the traits we usually keep secret. If you genuinely bond with another person you lose the sense of individuality and turn into something much more than you both have been before. This is why this house is also connected with psychological distress and occultism. It also reflects our attitude to the unknown and experience with regard to it. The eighth house shows the dark, instinctive side of one’s personality, unreined passions, and destructive behaviors. One has to learn more about this side to make it change.

Basic characteristics:

  • common funds;
  • inheritance;
  • insurance;
  • bequeathment;
  • investigation;
  • crisis;
  • transformation;
  • lifespan;
  • secrets;
  • sex;
  • occult powers.
Positive side:

  • Ability to change and establish new connections with others.

Negative side:

  • Fear of losing control.

The 9th house – consciousness, intellect, religion, travels, search for the meaning of life

Astrologers believe that the ninth house enhances prospects. It is here that one’s experience unites with that of other people. As a result, one learns more about themselves and forms ideas of the true nature of things. So the ninth house bears a strong connection with law, philosophy, and religion.

The ninth house leads us into the realm of abstract thinking. It enhances our knowledge of the Universe and our place in it. It’s this house that reflects the aspiration to learn the truth and the principal laws of life. The search for direction and goals is the main theme of this house that relates to Sagittarius and Jupiter. Zodiac signs and planets that come into this house define one’s attitude to religious and philosophical issues. Our connection to the divine and the system of values we build for ourselves.

The ninth house is about making conclusions and analyzing the knowledge received in the context of more critical issues. It’s also about the ability to synthesize the general from separate grains of experience. This way the ninth house opens enhances prospects for us. In this context, it’s strongly connected with traveling to distant places. You can understand it literally or as a journey of mind and spirit that enhances consciousness and scopes. Higher education and science are also connected to this house.

The ninth house shows specific characteristics depending on the planets positioned in it. For example, Mercury in Aries in the ninth house means that one is passionate about everything that offers a deeper knowledge of the world. And Saturn in Aries in the ninth house might mean a lack of healthy adventurism and fear to leave your cozy bubble. Multiple planets in this house mean a well-developed intuition and the talent for precognition. The ability to predict the future, figure out the way the events will unravel also find their reflection here.

Basic characteristics:

  • belief system;
  • philosophical views;
  • faith;
  • religion;
  • higher education;
  • distant traveling;
  • authority;
  • public institutions.
Positive side:

  • The ability to see the full picture of the world.

Negative side:

  • The propensity for moralizing.

10th House – social status, professional career, contribution to society

social status
The tenth house is about ambitions, life goals, and achievements. The planets and signs positioned in the tenth house show in which areas one can achieve success and recognition. This house symbolizes the realization of opportunities using skills and talents for the good of society.

The cusp of the tenth house, which astrologers call Middle Sky (Latin Medium Coeli) is one of the most important points of the natal chart. Zodiac signs and the planets in this sector have a special meaning. The tenth house symbolizes the image we want others to see.

Contribution to society, social status, and professional activity that suits one best – this is all defined by the Middle Sky and the planets and signs that come into the tenth house. The tenth house relates to Capricorn and Saturn. Attitude to a professional career, the energy we invest in professional growth is also defined by this house. For example, Venus in Leo in the tenth house says about a charismatic personality and a strong need to inspire awe. And Neptune in the tenth house might reflect a lack of clarity in goals, which creates difficulties in career building. Multiple planets in the tenth house show an ambitious person who wants recognition and high social status.

Just as the fourth house, the tenth house is based on the experiences and impressions received in childhood. Now astrologers associate this house with maternal influence because this is what defines our perception of reality. If one was constantly praised as a child, they have a feeling they are respected and values. If one used to see their mother as a caring person, they will most likely be self-confident. However, if one has this image of the mother as the constant source of harsh criticism, self-confidence will be in short supply. Perhaps, as a way of compensation, they will develop the desire to achieve success and recognition no matter what. Sometimes these goals are reached at the expense of personal life.

The tenth house points out the traits of one’s mother they also possess. It can reveal which career expectations were formed by parental influence and how we can load our children with our own unsatisfied ambitions. Our relationships with the people of consequence and high-ranking managers reflect our relationships with parents.

Basic characteristics:

  • career;
  • occupation;
  • professional achievements;
  • success;
  • social status;
  • reputation;
  • rewards;
  • karma;
  • parents.
Positive side:

  • The ability to achieve recognition and high status.

Negative side:

  • The overwhelming desire to reach success by any means possible and show one’s self-worth no matter what.

The 11th House – friendship, hopes, goals, aspirations.

The fifth house on the opposite side of the natal chart is all about free creativity. The eleventh house requires that the aspiration for self-expression was combined with the need to coordinate one’s efforts with society. It symbolizes the goals we achieve when we have the support of a certain group or society in general.

The eleventh house relates to Aquarius and Uranus. It shows the desire to follow your own individuality and become something more than you are. One of the ways to achieve that is to identify yourself with something or someone significant, as a circle of friends, a certain group of people, a system of beliefs or ideology.

The eleventh house reflects the mutual connection and co-dependence between the planets and events in our lives. Our thoughts and actions not only affect our own lives but also the life of those around us. Zodiac signs and the planets in the eleventh house show how we can work in a team and whether we can synchronize our goals with those of a group or a system. The affiliation with a certain group, whether it’s social, political, or religious, allows for an enhanced exploration of one’s own self.

On a spiritual level, we aspire to be a part of a mechanism and interact with the world around us in this capacity. The perception of one’s self as a part of something bigger lets a person go beyond the boundaries of their personality and realize the rules that govern our interactions with others. A sense of belonging to humanity as a whole arises from this realization and it goes further than personal and family connections.

Social accountability and engagement in human evolution depend on the position of the planets in the tenth house. The strong influence of this house manifests in a form of participation in the activity of public and political groups with a goal to fight for social changes. By the way how exactly the planets are arranged, one can determine which kind of public activity will be preferable. For example, Neptune in the eleventh house will show that a person is interested in participation in religious groups. If there is Venus, it would mean artistic groups.

This house is also about friendship and relationships with friends. Friendships make our interests grow and let us see things in a new light. The eleventh house shows what one likes to do in a circle of friends and people they are attracted to.

Basic characteristics:

  • friends;
  • like-minded people;
  • hopes;
  • dreams;
  • ideals;
  • plans;
  • realization of hopes;
  • charity;
  • reforms.
Positive side:

  • The desire to become more than we are through participation in a group activity.

Negative side:

  • The sense of aloofness from society, isolation.

The 12th House – the sense of connection with the world, fears, phobias, mystical powers, consciousness.

Worst zodiac sign
The twelfth house is strongly connected to the aspiration to become one whole with the absolute spirit. Deep inside we realize that our true self has no boundaries and is immortal, so the connection with the Universe is the meaning of the twelfth house.

The energy of this house transforms into a mystical desire to merge with the divine. However, this desire gives birth to conflict because while one part of our personality wants to experience the Nirvana, another one is frightened by the unknown.

The last, twelfth house, includes parts of the meanings of all the houses that came before it. That is why characterizing it might pose a certain amount of difficulty. On the one hand, it’s the end of the cycle, which symbolizes completion. On the other hand, it’s situated right above the line of the horizon and is the first one to meet the light of dawn, so it also symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle.

The twelfth house relates to Pisces and Neptune. Pisces symbol shows two fish swimming in opposite directions symbolizing the internal conflict. On the one hand, we desire to avoid loneliness. On the other hand, we don’t want to lose our individuality. When we start realizing ourselves as a part of humanity we learn to feel empathy for others. At the same time, the blurring of boundaries between your own self and others might cause some confusion.

Because of its special position on the natal chart, the energy of the twelfth house might be susceptible to childhood impressions. If this energy turns out to be threatening, one’s self will drive it back into the unconscious. But these hidden fears will in time emerge in a form of insecurities or events that undermine our strength of spirit. This is why this house is often associated with bad health and secret enemies. But by sacrificing our prejudices we can assimilate the energy of the twelfth house and set new goals.

People strongly influenced by the twelfth house can be healers, martyrs, saviors who always try to understand the motivations of others and help them, and at the same time, help themselves. Multiple planets in the twelfth house might reflect the lack of life goals. A favorable arrangement of planets in this house will symbolize qualities a person acquired during previous lives. It shows special merits achieved in previous reincarnations.

Basic characteristics:

  • secrets;
  • deep-laid memory;
  • solitude;
  • limitation of freedom;
  • hospitals;
  • shelters;
  • prisons;
  • suffering;
  • fears;
  • secret connections;
  • secret enemies;
  • hidden illnesses;
  • losses;
  • karma.
Positive side:

  • The connection to the divine.

Negative side:

  • Fear of losing one’s individuality.


To sum this all up, let me remind you that unlike planets in signs, the lines separating the astrology houses are not static. So if you want changes in your life, move to a new place. The change of location will cause the change in the position of the houses. This way, you as a horoscope owner will have an opportunity to introduce corrections into many events that don’t make you happy.

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