Which Zodiac Sign Gets Angry Easily?


Are you easy to get angry or you know people who ignite with fury like a match? If you think that the main reason for that is a bad mood or nasty heritage, you are mistaken. One of the reasons why people get savage easily and quickly is the inclination given by a zodiac sign. You will agree that stars and planets do impact our behavior and temper as well as the way we build relationships with others. It may be surprising for you to know that they also impact people’s probability of getting angry. Some zodiac signs are more likely to get furious while others not. Would you like to learn which ones?

Look: this article will explain which zodiac sign gets angry easily and what signs are likely to stay calm even in the most unpredictable situations.

Most to least anger issues zodiacs

People always find it challenging to communicate or work with people who get irritated very easily. It seems that nothing strange has happened but these personalities feel stressed and excited. They start accusing others of their misfortune and need time to calm down.

You will agree that different people get angry because of absolutely various reasons. What is acceptable for one seems unbearable for others. Astrologers say that some zodiac signs are more sensitive to other people’s behavior and environment, so they can get distressed much faster. Moreover, even if a person is of the most aggressive zodiac sign but can cope with the anger fast enough, it does not seem so annoying or obtrusive in comparison with people who keep a grudge for years or so. Therefore, it is important to have a clear understanding of how angry zodiac signs are and when it is better to keep distance not to suffer from their fury.

The top of the angriest zodiac signs is taken by Aries. The ruling planet of this sign is Mars – the god of war, so it is not surprising why it is referred to the most aggressive ones. These people can’t be called patient and being a fire sign, they get ignited almost instantly and need more time to calm down. When these personalities get angry, everyone knows about that. They remind a nuclear bomb that explodes with rage and it is difficult to escape from it. Their emotions take the best of them and they can’t see a full picture being overwhelmed with them. Aries can burn everyone beside them if they are furious, so it is better to leave them for some time until they cool down and only then continue the discussion.

Being a king of all animals as well as a fire Zodiac sign Leo makes everyone suffer from their anger that is easily transformed into rage. Are Leos aggressive? Undoubtedly. These are people who dominate others and the louder they speak, the more confidently they feel in the argument. They desire to establish authority over others and do not mind displaying anger in nasty words too. They will stick to their own viewpoint and will never admit being wrong. Moreover, they can insult another person severely and you will never hear any words of excuse from them. Lions seem to be blinded with their anger and can change their mood for worse if something doesn’t go in their way and he is not a center of attention.

Leos’ aggression is not easy to cope with, but it is important to explain your truth clearly and carefully to prove that they are wrong. You should not be intimidated by their anger and try to sound as convincing as possible to stop their anger.

People of this sign do not have some distinct features that make them outstanding from others. However, despite being charming and talkative, they are one of the aggressive signs in the table. These are very impulsive people who can’t hold their anger inside and need to express it with words. They are unpredictable and their assertiveness always transforms into aggression. People of this sign are also mean and use their aggressive behavior to pave their way to success. They get frustrated if something gets in the way they do not like and are not quick to recover from fury too.

Calmness and composure are features that characterize Scorpio but this is one of the zodiac signs with anger issues too. They do not get angry very often but they are people to be afraid of in this state. Moreover, if they are hurt by another person, they hold a grudge for years and can’t let it go. These insults often become a source of their anger but it often happens that they will not share their feelings with anyone else and never explain what was the reason for them. Another popular reason for getting upset is unpredictable changes in the mood characteristic of water signs. It is better to leave them alone when they are sad since any attempts to find the reason for such a mood can result in a volcano explosion.

People of this sign like to dominate and any stronger personalities who try to take charge of them make them savage. Moreover, Virgos are focused on order and tidiness, so they can’t stand if not everything is perfect in their homes because of other people’s fault. One more feature of these personalities is their wild nature hidden from others. They keep their anger inside and do not hurry to express it to others, but this state of anger may occur rather often when it comes to Virgos.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of restrictions, Capricorn people can’t be called the most dangerous zodiac sign when angry, but they are unforgiving. If someone offends Capricorn, a person of this Zodiac sign will remember that for a long time and get frustrated each time he sees this individual. One more important point is never to cross the lines drawn by these rational people. If it happens, Capricorns get furious and can be easily referred to the most angry zodiac signs. They are people to avoid approaching when they lose their temper because they can easily hurt the first person they see even if he is not guilty of anything.

Have you seen a bull running towards a red fabric piece? You will not argue that nobody wants to be on its way. The situation with Taureans is similar because they are full of violence and obsession being angry. They can lose their temper even because of trifle and it is not easy to calm down them because of their stubbornness. Moreover, they often raise their voices being in a fury so it is better to leave them alone before their fire goes out.

You may think that super sensitive signs do not express their anger on other people, but it is enough to look at Cancer personalities to understand that they do. Being dependent on the Moon phases their sudden changes in mood make them annoyed almost with everything and everyone around them. They try to keep everything inside but people can easily spot that it is time to worry due to aggressive behavior. When this fury gets to the burning point, Cancers explode like volcanoes. They can shout at others, say nasty words or even enable their claws. Their excellent memory does not allow them to forget offends and they seem mad being angry.

Obedient and decent representatives of this sign remind a time bomb. When they get angry, they keep everything inside until they face a real burst of anger towards others. In fact, they have no limits being astonished and not only say but also do nasty things to their opponents. However, the main way of expressing their aggression for Sagittarius is words.︎

Analyzing zodiac signs anger is not characteristic of Libra until people of this sign face injustice. It is the thing that drives them mad and they are not ready to come to terms with. Usually, they keep their anger hidden and even any confrontations in their lives would not encourage them to be actively aggressive. They try not to show what happens inside ︎them and can control their emotions very well.

How do Aquarians express their anger? They simply stop talking to a person who spoilt their mood and turn away to leave this individual and cool down. However, if it does not help, people can see another stage of aggression from their side since they will unload all their fury on the offender and only then leave him to relax. These are usually hurtful words that make them threatening to others. ︎

Being a very sensitive sign people born in the sun of Pisces can get easily hurt and humiliated, so there is nothing surprising that they will try to revenge a person who insulted them. The main thing that makes them angry is jokes or making fun of them. They do not get mad and may be aggressive only with ︎themselves which is incredibly destructive for them. These are the least angry people if to compare them with all other astrological signs.

Are you one of them?

There are no people who do not get angry but it is the fact that each of us does it in absolutely different ways. Looking at the descriptions of every sign it is possible to make the conclusions – every person can be aggressive, but sometimes this emotion can be detrimental not to the people who provoked it but even to themselves.

What advice can be given to people who get mad easily? There are several things to consider:

  • Avoid people and situations that may get you angry;
  • Don’t hurry to respond with aggression: count to ten to calm down no matter how difficult it is;
  • Ask for help your closest people if you can’t control your aggression;
  • Leave the situation as it is to return to its solution when you are not overwhelmed with emotions;
  • Look for a positive thing in every situation.


What zodiac sign is aggressive? This article has explained that every astrological sign can get angry but only some of them display aggression towards others. In most cases, the most furious personalities are of fire signs or ruled by warrior planets. Naturally, their hot temper is given to them by stars and planets and they find it much more difficult to control them. Should you face a representative of Aries, Leo, or Scorpio in a bad mood, try to avoid confrontation with them because this war can be difficult to win. However, there is no sense to worry if Pisces or Aquarius get angry – these zodiac signs are emotional and sympathetic, so they will never offend another person very much.

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